This website is ONLY to be used by caregivers or “providers” of the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program in Solano County.
If you DO NOT already have a client, please visit
If you DO currently have a client, please continue.
State laws require that all IHSS providers go through an enrollment process which includes a background check before they are eligible to be paid by the IHSS program. To be enrolled as an IHSS provider, you must complete the following steps:
1. Online Registration & Videos:
Use the link at the bottom of the page to register to become a provider, watch the mandatory enrollment videos, and then book a Group Orientation Appointment when prompted to do so. You cannot book an appointment until you have watched all the videos.
2. Attend Group Orientation Appointment on the date YOU have chosen:
** You MUST bring current, valid driver's license or another US government-issued photo ID
** You MUST bring your original Social Security Card. Photocopies will not be accepted.
** Your name on your photo ID and Social Security MUST match.
** Livescan Services are available at most Orientations for the cost of $52. Cash or credit card accepted.
** DO NOT bring children or others to your appointment. You may bring a translator.
If you ALREADY HAVE A CLIENT and are ready to continue your enrollment, please click the link below:
I have a client and I want to be a provider
To access your IHSS information online: