Current Opportunities for Funding
First 5 Solano provides funding to organization that deliver services to families and children ages 0-5 and are aligned with First 5 Solano’s Strategic Framework Priority Areas and Goals. Opportunities for funding are released throughout the year and can be found here.

Grantee Resources
First 5 Solano provides grantees resources and materials to ensure compliance in contracting, use of logo and data base, budget modifications, and other contracting procedures as well as materials to support programming and resources for families.

Community Engagement Supplies
Supplies are available to community partners to support engagement with children, families and other service providers in the community. These supplies can be used for one-time and ongoing events, program incentives, and giveaways. Supplies include items such as books, personal hand sanitizers, disposable thermometers, and are changed on an ongoing basis. These items are avavaible at no cost and can be ordered here.