Election Results and Files
2024 11 - November General Election
Section UL
East Solano - Ballot Title and Summary
East Solano - Certification of Raw Count - Signatures Received
East Solano - Notice of Withdrawl - 07222024
East Solano - Receipt of Petition
East Solano - Schedule of Petition Review
Local Candidate Nomination Forms
Measure E Resolution
Measure J Resolution
Measure L Resolution
Measure M Resolution
Measure R Resolution
Measure S Resolution
Modified - Submitted Initiative and Plan - East Solano Homes, Jobs and Clean Energy Initiative
Modified-Submitted Notice of Intent - East Solano homes, Jobs and Clean Energy Intiaitve
Nov 2024 Key Dates Calendar
Nov 24 Candidate Filed Log
November 2024 General Election Candidate Guide
Regional Measure 4 - Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) Redacted Resolution
Revised Initative and Plan - East Solano Initative
Revised Notice of Intent - East Solano Initative
Rezone East Solano - Certificate of Sufficiency
RM4 - BAHFTA - Argument Against
RM4 - BAHFTA - Argument in favor
Withdrawn Initiative and Plan - California Forever
Withdrawn Notice of Intent - California Forever
2024 03 - March Presidential Primary Election
Section UL
Candidate Filed Log
Central Committee Nomination Form
Central Committee Required Documents
Certified List Of Write-In Candidates
District Results Report
March 2024 Primary Ballot Drop Off Sites
March 2024 Primary Election Candidate Guide
March 5, 2024 Primary Election Key Dates Calendar
Measure A - Argument Against
Measure A - Argument In Favor Of
Measure A - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure A - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure A Impartial Analysis
Measure A Resolution
Measure B - Argument Against
Measure B - Argument In Favor Of
Measure B - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure B - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure B Impartial Analysis
Measure B Resolution
Measure C - Argument Against
Measure C - Argument in Favor Of
Measure C - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure C - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure C - Resolution - Benicia USD
Measure C Impartial Analysis
Measure N - Resolution - Davis Joint USD
Measure N Argument Against
Measure N Argument in Favor
Measure N Impartial Analysis
Measure N Rebuttal to the Argument Against
Measure N Rebuttal to the Argument in Favor
Nomination Petitions - Local Candidates
Notice of Central Count and VBM Ballot Processing
Notice of Manual Tally
Notice of Measure - Davis Joint USD Measure N
Notice of Pollworkers and Party by Location
Notice of Randomized Alphabet Drawing
Notices of Measures
Official Election Results - Summary
Poll Place Map - Benicia
Poll Place Map - Dixon
Poll Place Map - Fairfield
Poll Place Map - Rio Vista
Poll Place Map - Suisun City
Poll Place Map - Vacaville
Poll Place Map - Vallejo
Poll Worker Manual
Precinct Results Report
Presidential Primary No Party Preference Cross Over Ballot Application
Primary March 2024 Polling Locations
Required Nomination Forms
Results of County Random Alpha
Results of Manual Audit
Results of State Random Alpha Drawing
2023 12 - VUSD TA 6 Special Election
Section UL
Area of Impact Map
December 19, 2023 VUSD Special Election
Notice of Central Count
Notice of Election
Notice of Manual Tally
Official Election Results - District Report
Official Election Results - Precinct Report
Official Election Results - Summary
Poll Place Map
Report of 1% minimum manual tally
Results of Randomized Alphabet Drawing
Sample Ballot - English
Translated Ballot - Spanish
Translated Ballot - Tagalog
VUSD TA 6 Ballot Return and Voting Addresses
VUSD TA 6 Calendar
VUSD TA 6 Candidate Filed Log
VUSD TA 6 Candidate Guide
VUSD TA 6 Special Nomination Forms
VUSD TA 6 Voter Information Guide BT1
2023 11 - DJUSD TA5 Special Election
Section UL
Candidate Filed Log
Candidate Nomination Forms
DJUSD TA 5 Special Vacancy Election Candidate Guide
Key Dates Calendar
Notice of Election
2023 09 - VUSD District 4 Special Election
Section UL
Candidate Filed Log
Candidate Form Tututorial
Key Dates Calendar
Manual Tally Report
Nomination Documents
Notice of Central Count and VBM Ballot Processing
Notice of Election
Notice of Manual Tally
Notice of Pollworkers and Poll Places
Official District Results
Official Election Results - Summary
Official Precinct Results
Random Alphabet Drawing
VUSD TA 4 Ballot Return and Voting Addresses
VUSD TA 4 Candidate Guide
VUSD TA 4 Poll Place Map
VUSD TA 4 Poll Worker Manual
2023 04 BUSD TA5 Special Election
Section UL
April 11, 2023 - Poll Place Workplan
BUSD TA 5 Candidate Guidebook
BUSD TA 5 Polling Place and VBM Drop Off
BUSD TA5 - Poll Place Map
Candidate Filed Log
Candidate Nomination Forms
Key Dates Calendar
Notice of 1% Manual Tally
Notice of Central Count and VBM Processing
Notice of Election
Official District Results
Official Election Results Summary and Certificate
Official Precinct Results
Random Alphabet Drawing April 11, 2023 BUSD TA 5
Report of 1% minimum manual tally
2022 11 - November General Election
Section UL
Candidate Filed Log
Certificate of Canvass and Official Election Results
Downloadble Candidate Forms
FSUSD Measure S Recount - FINAL
FSUSD Measure S Recount Totals by Batch
Key Dates Calendar - November 8, 2022 General Election
Measure D - Argument Against
Measure D - Argument in Favor
Measure D - City of Dixon - Impartial Analysis
Measure D - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure D - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure D - Resolution - City of Dixon
Measure E - Argument Against
Measure E - Argument in Favor
Measure E - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure E - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure E - Resolution - Solano County
Measure E Impartial Analysis
Measure K - Argument in Favor
Measure K - City of Benicia - Imparital Analysis
Measure K - Resolution - City of Benicia
Measure M - Argument Against
Measure M - Argument in Favor
Measure M - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure M - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure M - Resolution - Travis USD
Measure M - Travis USD - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure M Impartial Analysis
Measure M Tax Rate Statement
Measure P - Argument Against
Measure P - Argument in Favor
Measure P - City of Vallejo - Impartial Analysis
Measure P - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure P - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure P - Resolution - City of Vallejo
Measure Q - Argument Against
Measure Q - Argument in Favor
Measure Q - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure Q - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure Q - Resolution - Vacaville USD
Measure Q - Tax Rate Statement - Vacaville USD
Measure Q - Vacaville USD - Impartial Analysis
Measure R - Argument Against
Measure R - Argument in Favor
Measure R - City of Benicia - Impartial Analysis
Measure R - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure R - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure R - Resolution - City of Benicia
Measure S - Argument Against
Measure S - Argument in Favor
Measure S - Fairfield/Suisun USD - Impartial Analysis
Measure S - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure S - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure S - Resolution - Fairfield/Suisun USD
Measure S Tax Rate Statement
Notice of 1% Manual Tally
Notice of Ballot Recount - City of Dixon - District 2
Notice of Ballot Recount - City of Fairfield - Councilmember - District 1
Notice of Ballot Recount - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - Measure S
Notice of Central County and VBM Processing
Notice of Election
Notice of End of Ballot Recount - City of Fairfield - Councilmember - District 1
Notice of Measures
Nov 2022 Ballot Return Address
Nov 2022 Polling Places
November 2022 Candidate Guidebook
November 2022 General Notice of Election
November 2022 Pollworker Manual
November 8, 2022 - Poll Place Workers
November 8, 2022 - Poll Place Workplan
Official District Results
Official Precinct Results
Poll Place Map Benicia
Poll Place Map Suisun City
Polling Place Map Dixon
Polling Place Map Fairfield
Polling Place Map Rio Vista
Polling Place Map Vacaville
Polling Place Map Vallejo
Recount Running Totals - Dixon City Council District 2 12062022
Recount Totals by Batch - Dixon City Council District 12062022
Report on Handcount - 1% Report
Results of Random Alpha Draw - County
State Random Alpha
VIG BT 001
VIG BT 002
VIG BT 003
VIG BT 004
VIG BT 005
VIG BT 006
VIG BT 007
VIG BT 008
VIG BT 009
VIG BT 010
VIG BT 011
VIG BT 012
VIG BT 013
VIG BT 014
VIG BT 015
VIG BT 016
VIG BT 017
VIG BT 018
VIG BT 019
VIG BT 020
VIG BT 021
VIG BT 022
VIG BT 023
VIG BT 024
VIG BT 025
VIG BT 026
VIG BT 027
VIG BT 028
VIG BT 029
VIG BT 030
VIG BT 031
VIG BT 032
VIG BT 033
VIG BT 034
VIG BT 035
VIG BT 036
VIG BT 037
VIG BT 038
VIG BT 039
VIG BT 040
VIG BT 041
VIG BT 042
VIG BT 043
VIG BT 044
VIG BT 045
VIG BT 046
VIG BT 047
VIG BT 048
VIG BT 049
VIG BT 050
VIG BT 051
VIG BT 052
VIG BT 053
VIG BT 054
2022 06 - Primary Election
Section UL
2022 Primary - Detailed Reports 1% hand audit
2022 Primary - Notice of 1% Random Hand Count
2022 Primary - Report on Hand Count - 1% Report
2022 Primary Poll Place Workplan
Candidate Filing Forms Tutorial
Candidate Forms
Judicial Candidates Declaration of Intention
June 2022 Polling Places
June 7 2022 VIG BT 1
June 7 2022 VIG BT 2
June 7 2022 VIG BT 3
June 7 2022 VIG BT 4
June 7 2022 VIG BT 5
June 7 2022 VIG BT 6
June 7 Primary Candidate Filed Log
June 7, 2022 - Ballot Return Locations
June 7, 2022 - Pollworker Manual
June Primary 2022 Candidate Guidebook
Key Dates Calendar - June 7 2022 Statewide Primary
Nomination Paper
Notice of Central Count of Vote by Mail Ballots
Notice on Electioneering and Corruption of the Voting Process
Official Election Results - District Report
Official Election Results - Precinct Report
Official Election Results - Summary
Petition in Lieu Governor
Petition in Lieu State Offices
Petitions in Lieu BOS
Results of County Random Alpha Drawing
Results of State Random Alpha Draw
Signatures in Lieu Petition
2022 04 - Assembly District 11 Special Vacancy Election
Section UL
1% Manual Tally Audit Report
11th Assembly District - Vicinity Map
AD 11 - Final Offical Election Results - District Summary
AD 11 - Final Offical Election Results - Precinct Results
AD 11 Audit Report
AD 11 Ballot Designation Worksheet
AD 11 Candidate Filed Log
AD 11 Candidate Guidebook
AD 11 Code of Fair Campaign Practices
AD 11 Declaration of Candidacy Form
AD 11 Final Offical Election Results - Summary
AD 11 Nomination Paper
AD 11 Poll Worker Manual
AD 11 Special Vacancy Petition in Lieu
AD11 - Ballot Return Locations
AD11 - List of Poll Workers
AD11 - List of Polling Places
AD11 - Poll Place Workplan
AD11 - Voter Information Guide
Certified List of Qualified Write-in Candidates
Key Dates Calendar - April 5, 2022 AD11 Special Vacancy Election
Notice of 1% manual Tally
Notice of Central Count and Vote by Mail Processing
Notice on Electioneering and Corruption of the Voting Process
Sample Ballot - English
Special SOS Notice on Top Two Primaries
Translated Ballot - Spanish
Translated Ballot - Tagalog
Unofficial Election Results - Summary
2021 11 - Dixon City Clerk Election
Section UL
2021 City of Dixon Election Summary Results
2021 Dixon City Clerk Election - Sample Ballot
2021 Dixon City Clerk Election - Voter Information Guide
Candidate Filed Log
Candidate Guide Dixon City Clerk Election
Key Dates Calendar - November 2, 2021 Dixon Election
Notice of 1% manual Tally
Notice of Central Count and Absentee Ballot Processing
Notice of Poll Places and Workers
Random Alpha Drawing Results
Results of 1% manual tally
Summary Results - Official
Translated Ballot - Spanish
Translated Ballot - Tagalog
2021 09 - Gubernatorial Recall Election
Section UL
2021 Gubernatorial Recall - Ballot Return Locations
2021 Gubernatorial Recall - Candidate Guide
2021 Gubernatorial Recall - Notice of 1% Audit
2021 Gubernatorial Recall - Poll Place Workplan
2021 Gubernatorial Recall - Polling Places
2021 Gubernatorial Recall - Pollworker Manual
2021 Gubernatorial Recall - Sample Ballot - English
2021 Gubernatorial Recall - Voter Information Guide
Final Official Election Results - District Summary
Final Official Election Results - Precinct Results
Final Official Election Results - Summary
Key Dates Calendar - September 14, 2021 California Recall
Notice of Central Count and Absentee Ballot Processing
Press Release - ROV Establishes Alternate Phone Lines
2021 05 - Vacaville District 2 Vacancy
Section UL
2021 - Vaca Dist 2 - Key Dates Calendar
Candidate Filed Log
Candidate Guide - May 4, 2021 Vacaville District 2 Vacancy
Manual Tally - Hand Recount Results
May 4 2021 City of Vacaville District 2 Summary Results
Notice of 1% manual Tally
Notice of Central Count and Vote by Mail Processing
Random Alpha Drawing Results
Spanish Translation of Ballot
Tagalog Translation of Ballot
Unsigned Ballot / Signature Verification Statement
Vacaville District 2 - Statement of Vote by District
Vacaville District 2 - Statement of Vote by Precinct
Vacaville District 2 Map w/ Precincts
Voter Information Guide
2020 11 - Presidential General Election
Section UL
2020 Gen - Vote by Mail Ballots Received (updated End of Business Day)
2020 General Election 1% Random Audit Report
2020 General Election District Results
2020 General Election Precinct Results
2020 General Election Summary Results
Ballot Drop-Off Locations
Candidate Filed Log
Candidate Forms to Complete
Certified List of Write-In Candidates
City of Dixon Councilmember - District 4 Candidate Statements
Executive Order to Send Every Voter a Ballot
Key Dates Calendar
Measure C - Argument FOR - City of Fairfield
Measure C - Impartial Analysis - City of Fairfield
Measure C Resolution - City of Fairfield
Measure D - Impartial Analysis - City of Benicia
Measure D - Resolution - City of Benicia
Measure G - Argument AGAINST - City of Vallejo
Measure G - Argument FOR - City of Vallejo
Measure G - Impartial Analysis - City of Vallejo
Measure G - Rebuttal to Argument AGAINST - City of Vallejo
Measure G - Rebuttal to Argument FOR - City of Vallejo
Measure G - Resolution - City of Vallejo
Measure J - Argument FOR - River Delta USD - SFID 01
Measure J - Impartial Analysis - River Delta USD - SFID 01
Measure J - River Delta USD - SFID 01
Measure K - Argument FOR - River Delta USD - SFID 02
Measure K - Impartial Analysis - River Delta USD - SFID 02
Measure K - River Delta USD - SFID 02
Measure O - Argument FOR - City of Rio Vista
Measure O - City of Rio Vista
Measure O - Impartial Analysis - City of Rio Vista
Measure Q - Argument FOR - City of Suisun City
Measure Q - City of Suisun City
Measure Q - Impartial Analysis - City of Suisun City
Measure R - Argument AGAINST - City of Suisun City
Measure R - Argument FOR - City of Suisun City
Measure R - City of Suisun City
Measure R - Impartial Analysis - City of Suisun City
Measure R - Rebuttal to Argument AGAINST - City of Suisun City
Measure S - Argument AGAINST - City of Dixon
Measure S - Argument FOR - City of Dixon
Measure S - Impartial Analysis - City of Dixon
Measure S - Rebuttal to Argument AGAINST - City of Dixon
Measure S - Rebuttal to Argument FOR - City of Dixon
Measure S Resolution - City of Dixon
Measure T - Argument AGAINST - City of Dixon
Measure T - Argument FOR - City of Dixon
Measure T - Impartial Analysis - City of Dixon
Measure T - Rebuttal to Argument AGAINST - City of Dixon
Measure T - Rebuttal to Argument FOR - City of Dixon
Measure T Resolution - City of Dixon
Measure V - City of Vacaville
Measure V - Impartial Analysis - City of Vacaville
Measure W - Impartial Analysis - Winters Joint Unified School District
Measure W - Winters Joint Unified School District
Notice of Ballot Recount - Solano County Board of Education, Trustee Area 2
Notice of Central Count and Absentee Ballot Processing
Notice of Election - 2020 Statewide General Election
Notice of Manual Tally
Notice of Measure - 2020 Statewide General Election
Notice of Randomized Alphabet Drawing
November 2020 Candidate Guidebook
November 2020 Election Calendar
Poll Places and Drop Off Locations
Poll Worker Manual
Polling Place Location and Poll Worker List
Polling Place Map - Benicia
Polling Place Map - Dixon
Polling Place Map - Fairfield
Polling Place Map - Rio Vista
Polling Place Map - Suisun
Polling Place Map - Vacaville
Polling Place Map - Vallejo
Pollworker Training - Adopt A Poll Class
Pollworker Training - Equipment Clerk
Pollworker Training - Eroster Clerk
Pollworker Training - Inspector Class
Pollworker Training - Provisional Clerk
Recount Running Total
Recount Totals By Batch
Results of Randomized Alphabet Drawing
State Guidelines for Candidate Filing
Voter Information Guide BT 83
Voter Information Guide BT 84
Voter Information Guide BT 88 & 89
Workplace Plan November 2020
2020 11 - County Voter Information Guides
Section UL
BT 001
BT 002
BT 003
BT 004
BT 005
BT 006 & 008
BT 007
BT 009 & 015
BT 010
BT 011
BT 012
BT 013 & 014
BT 016 & 019
BT 017
BT 018
BT 021 & 022
BT 023
BT 024
BT 025 & 027
BT 026
BT 028
BT 029 & 031
BT 030 & 032
BT 033 & 035
BT 034
BT 036
BT 037
BT 038
BT 039
BT 040 & 042
BT 041
BT 043
BT 044
BT 045
BT 046
BT 047 & 048
BT 049
BT 050
BT 051
BT 052
BT 053
BT 054
BT 055
BT 056
BT 057 & 058
BT 059
BT 060 & 062
BT 061, 065, & 068
BT 063
BT 064
BT 066 & 72
BT 067
BT 069
BT 070
BT 071
BT 073 & 074
BT 075
BT 076
BT 077 & 079
BT 078
BT 080 & 081
BT 082
BT 083
BT 084
BT 085 & 086
BT 087
BT 088 & 089
BT 090
BT 091
BT 092 & 096
BT 093
BT 094
BT 095
BT 097
BT 098
BT 099
BT 100
BT 101
BT 102
BT 103
BT 104
BT 105
BT 106
BT 107
BT 108
BT 109 & 111
BT 110
BT 112
BT 113
BT 114
BT 115
BT 116
BT 117 & 128
BT 118
BT 119
BT 120
BT 121
BT 122
BT 123
BT 124
BT 125
BT 126
BT 127
BT 129
BT 130
BT 131
BT 132
BT 133, 137, & 139
BT 134 & 138
BT 135
BT 136
BT 140
BT 141
BT 142 & 152
BT 143
BT 144
BT 145 & 153
BT 146
BT 147 & 157
BT 148
BT 149 & 159
BT 150
BT 151 & 163
BT 154
BT 155
BT 156
BT 158
BT 160, 161, & 162
BT 164
BT 165
BT 166 & 174
BT 167 & 175
BT 168, 170, 176, 177, & 178
BT 169
BT 171 & 179
BT 172
BT 173
BT 180
BT 181 & 182
BT 183
BT 184 & 185
BT 186
BT 187 & 192
BT 188, 189, 193 & 194
BT 190 & 195
BT 191
2020 03 - Presidential Primary Election
Section UL
Candidate Filed Log
Candidate Guide - March 2020
Central Committee Candidate Guidebook
Certified List of Write-In Candidates
Key Dates Calendar - March 03 2020 Primary
March 2020 Precinct Results
March 2020 Statement of Vote
March 2020 Summary Results
Measure E - Argument AGAINST
Measure E - Argument FOR
Measure E - Impartial Analysis
Measure E Resolution - Los Rios Community College District
Measure G - Argument AGAINST
Measure G - Impartial Analysis
Measure G Resolution - Davis JUSD Parcel Tax
Minimizing Cyber Risk
Notice of Central Count and Absentee Ballot Processing
Notice of Election - March 3, 2020 Presidential Primary Election
Notice of Manual Tally
Notice of Randomized Alphabet Drawing
Poll Worker and Polling Place Location List
Poll Worker Manual
Presidential Primary Election Polling Place List
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Measure E
Rebuttal to the Argument Against Measure E
Residence Address/Party Preference Change Form
Results of Random Alphabet Draw
2019 11 - Maine Prairie Water District
Section UL
2019 Maine Prairie Water District Notice of Election
2018 11 - General Election
Section UL
Impartial Analysis Measure P
Impartial Analysis Measure S
Impartial Analysis of Measure M
Measure C - Argument FOR
Measure C Full Text
Measure E - Argument FOR
Measure E Full Text
Measure M - Argument FOR
Measure M Full Text
Measure N - Argument AGAINST
Measure N - Argument FOR
Measure N Full Text
Measure P - Argument FOR
Measure P Full Text
Measure S - Argument AGAINST
Measure S - Argument FOR
Measure S Full Text
Notice of 1% manual Tally
November 2018 Benicia Polling Place Map
November 2018 Candidate Filed Log
November 2018 Candidate Guidebook
November 2018 Dixon Polling Place Map
November 2018 Fairfield Polling Place Map
November 2018 Key Dates
November 2018 Notice of Election
November 2018 Poll Worker List
November 2018 Poll Worker Manual
November 2018 Polling Place List
November 2018 Precinct Results
November 2018 Rio Vista Polling Place Map
November 2018 Statement of Vote
November 2018 Suisun Polling Place Map
November 2018 Summary Results
November 2018 Unsigned Ballot / Signature Verification Statement
November 2018 Vacaville Polling Place Map
November 2018 Vallejo Polling Place Map
November 2018 VBM Drop Off Locations
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Measure N
Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Measure S
Rebuttal to the Argument Against Measure S
Secretary of State Random Draw Results
Solano Random Draw Results
Text of Local Measures - November 2018 General Election
2018 06 - Primary Election
Section UL
Final Write-In Tally - Summary
June 2018 Benicia Polling Place Map
June 2018 Candidate Filed Log
June 2018 Candidate Guidebook
June 2018 Dixon Polling Place Map
June 2018 Fairfield Polling Place Map
June 2018 Key Dates Calendar
June 2018 Notice of Election
June 2018 Notice of Random Audit
June 2018 Polling Place List
June 2018 Pollworker Manual
June 2018 Rio Vista Polling Place Map
June 2018 Statement of Vote
June 2018 Suisun Polling Place Map
June 2018 Vacaville Polling Place Map
June 2018 Vallejo Polling Place Map
Precinct Results
Regional Measure 3 Bay Area Traffic Relief Plan Argument Against
Regional Measure 3 Bay Area Traffic Relief Plan Argument in Favor
Regional Measure 3 Bay Area Traffic Relief Plan Full Text
Regional Measure 3 Bay Area Traffic Relief Plan Impartial Analysis
Regional Measure 3 Bay Area Traffic Relief Plan Question
RM3 Rebuttal to the Argument Against
RM3 Rebuttal to the Argument in favor
Solano County Random Alphabet Draw - June 2018
SOS Randomized Alphabet Drawing June 2018
Summary Results
2017 11 - Maine Prairie Water District Election
Section UL
Maine Prairie Water District Election Candidate Filed Log
2017 08 - Rural North Vacaville Water District Election
Section UL
RNVWD Candidate Filed Log
RNVWD Candidate Guidebook
RNVWD Key Election Dates Calendar
2016 11 - Presidential General Election
Section UL
Benicia Polling Place Map
City of Rio Vista Mayor Write-In Totals
Dixon Polling Place Map
Fairfield Polling Place Map
Notice of Measures
Notice of Randomized Alphabet Drawing
November 2016 Candidate Filed Log
November 2016 Candidate Guidebook
November 2016 Candidate List
November 2016 Final Measure Calendar
November 2016 Notice of Election
November 2016 Polling Places
November 2016 Precinct Results
November 2016 Presidential Write-In Totals
November 2016 Solano County Random Draw
November 2016 State Random Draw
November 2016 Statement of Vote
November 2016 Summary Results
November 8 2016 - Election Calendar
Rio Vista Polling Place Map
Suisun Polling Place Map
Vacaville Polling Place Map
Vallejo Polling Place Map
Section UL
Measure A - Argument Against
Measure A - Argument in Favor
Measure A - Full Text (Ordinance 2016-1772)
Measure A - Impartial Analysis
Measure A - Question
Measure A - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure A - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure B - Argument Against
Measure B - Argument in Favor
Measure B - Full Text
Measure B - Impartial Analysis
Measure B - Question (Advisory Vote)
Measure B - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure B - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure C - Argument Against
Measure C - Full Text (Ordinance 2016-1773)
Measure C - Impartial Analysis
Measure C - Question
Measure D - Full Text
Measure D - Impartial Analysis
Measure D - Question
Measure H - Argument Against (Solano)
Measure H - Full Text
Measure H - Impartial Analysis
Measure H - Question
Measure K - Argument Against
Measure K - Argument in Favor
Measure K - Full Text (Ordinance 16-048)
Measure K - Impartial Analysis
Measure K - Question
Measure K - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure K - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure L - Argument Against
Measure L - Argument in Favor
Measure L - Impartial Analysis
Measure L - Question
Measure L - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure L - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure M - Argument Against
Measure M - Argument in Favor
Measure M - Impartial Analysis
Measure M - Question
Measure M - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure M - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure N - Argument Against
Measure N - Argument in Favor
Measure N - Impartial Analysis
Measure N - Question
Measure N - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure O - Argument in Favor
Measure O - Impartial Analysis
Measure O - Question
Measure P - Argument Against
Measure P - Argument in Favor
Measure P - Full Text (Ordinance)
Measure P - Impartial Analysis
Measure P - Question
Measure P - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure P - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure Q - Argument Against
Measure Q - Argument in Favor
Measure Q - Full Text
Measure Q - Impartial Analysis
Measure Q - Question
Measure Q - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure Q - Tax Rate Statement
Measure S - Argument Against
Measure S - Argument in Favor
Measure S - Full Text (Ordinance)
Measure S - Impartial Analysis
Measure S - Question
Measure S - Rebuttal to Argument Against
Measure S - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure T - Argument in Favor
Measure T - Full Text (Resolution)
Measure T - Impartial Analysis
Measure T - Question
Measure V - Argument in Favor
Measure V - Impartial Analysis
Measure V - Question
2016 06 - Presidential Primary Election
Section UL
June 2016 Central Comm. Candidate Guidebook
June 2016 Certified Candidate List
June 2016 Notice of Election
June 2016 Precinct Results
June 2016 Presidential Primary Candidate Filed Log
June 2016 Presidential Primary Candidate Guidebook
June 2016 Presidential Primary Election Calendar
June 2016 Random Alpha Draw
June 2016 Statement of Vote
June 2016 Summary Results
June 2016 Write In Tally
Section UL
Measure AA - Argument Against
Measure AA - Argument in Favor
Measure AA - Impartial Analysis
Measure AA - Question
Measure AA - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure AA - Rebuttal to Arguments Against
Measure AA - Resolution
Measure G - Advisory Measure
Measure G - Argument Against
Measure G - Argument in Favor
Measure G - Impartial Analysis
Measure G - Question
Measure G - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure G - Rebuttal to Arguments Against
Measure H - Argument Against
Measure H - Argument in Favor
Measure H - Fiscal Impact
Measure H - Full Text
Measure H - Impartial Analysis
Measure H - Question
Measure H - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure H - Rebuttal to Arguments Against
Measure J - Argument Against
Measure J - Argument in Favor
Measure J - Full Text
Measure J - Question
Measure J - Rebuttal to Argument in Favor
Measure J - Rebuttal to Arguments Against
Measure J - Tax Rate Statement
Audio Sample Ballots
Section UL
000 Intro
001 Important Info/Dates
002 What's In This Guide
003 About Primaries in California
004 How To Mark Your Ballot
005 Us Rep District 3
006 US Rep District 5
007 CA State Senate District 3
008 State Assembly District 4
009 State Assembly District 11
010 State Assembly District 14
011 Board Of Supervisors District 1
012 Board of Supervisors District 2
013 Board of Supervisors District 5
014 Board of Education Trustee Area 6
015 Measure G
016 Measure H
017 Measure J
018 Measure AA
019 Polling Locations
020 Voters Pamphlet
021 Tips for Voting
022 Update Your Voter Registration
023 How To Vote By Mail
024 Solano Work The Polls
025 Voter Bill of Rights
026 Early Voting
027 Common Voter Questions
028 Vote By Mail Application
2015 11- Maine Prairie Water District General District Election
Section UL
MPWD Candidate Guidebook
MPWD Election Key Dates
2015 09 - City of Dixon Special Election
Section UL
Dixon 2015 Key Dates
2015 08 Rural North Vacaville Water District Election
Section UL
August 25 2015 RNVWD Election Results
RNVVWD Election Calendar
RNVVWD Election Candidate Filed Log
RNVVWD Guidebook
RNVWD Sample Ballot
2014 11 - Statewide General Election
Section UL
November 2014 Ballot Measures
November 2014 Candidate Filed Log
November 2014 Candidate Guidebook
November 2014 Candidate List
November 2014 County Random Alphabet Draw
November 2014 Election Precinct Results
November 2014 Election Precinct Results
November 2014 Election Summary Results
November 2014 Election Summary Results
November 2014 General Election Calendar
November 2014 Key Dates
November 2014 Official Write-in List
November 2014 Polling Places
November 2014 State Alpha Draw
November 2014 Worker Election and Poll Place Summary
2014 06 - Statewide Direct Primary
Section UL
2014 June Primary Candidate Guide Book
Jun 2014 Solano County Candidate List
Jun 2014 State Certified List of Candidates
June 2014 Election Officers and Polling Places
June 2014 Notice of Election
June 2014 Polling Places
June 2014 Statewide Direct Primary Candidate Filed Log
June 2014 Statewide Direct Primary Election Calendar
June 2014 Statewide Direct Primary Key Dates
June 2014 Statewide Direct Primary Solano County Random Draw
June 2014 Statewide Direct Primary Write-in Precinct Results
June 2014 Statewide Direct Primary Write-in Summary Results
June 3 2014 - Statewide Direct Primary Precinct Results
June 3 2014 - Statewide Direct Primary Summary Results
June 3rd, 2014 Statewide Direct Primary Election Notice of Offices
2013 11 - Consolidated Districts Election
Section UL
November 2013 Candidate List
November 2013 Filing Schedule
November 2013 Polling Place List
November 2013 UDEL Candidate Guide
November 2013 UDEL Election Calendar
November 5th 2013 Summary Results
2012 11- Statewide Presidential Election
Section UL
November 2012 - Precinct Write In Totals
November 2012 - Summary Write In Totals
November 2012 All Measures
November 2012 Candidate Contact Log
November 2012 Candidate Filed Log
November 2012 Candidate Guide Book
November 2012 County Random Alphabet Drawing
November 2012 Polling Place List
November 2012 Presidential General Election Calendar
November 2012 State Random Alphabet Drawing
November 2012 VBM Drop-off Locations
November 6 2012 - Precinct Results
November 6 2012 - Summary Results
2012 06 - Presidential Primary Election
Section UL
June 2012 Candidate List
June 2012 Presidential Primary Election Calendar
June 2012 Presidential Primary Election Candidate Guide Book
June 2012 Primary Candidate Contact Info
June 2012 State List of Candidates
June 5 2012 Polling Places
June 5th, 2012 - Presidential Primary Election Precinct Results
June 5th, 2012 - Presidential Primary Election Summary Results
June 5th, 2012 - Presidential Primary Election Write In Precinct Results
June 5th, 2012 - Presidential Primary Election Write In Summary Results
June 5th, 2012 Candidate List
Measure L Calendar
Measure L Question
Measure L Resolution
2012 05 - GVRD Special Election
Section UL
GVRD Special Election Results
Measure K Calendar
Measure K Question
Measure K Resolution
2011 11 - Consolidated Districts Election
Section UL
Benicia City Clerk - Final Results
Fairfield City Treasurer and City Clerk Final Results
November 2011 Candidate Filed Log
November 2011 Candidate List
November 2011 Election Calendar
November 2011 Measure Calendar
November 8, 2011 Consolidated Districts Election Precinct Summary Results
November 8, 2011 Consolidated Districts Election Summary Results
November 8, 2011 Polling Place and Pollworker List
2011 06 - Rio Vista Special Election
Section UL
City of Rio Vista Election Calendar
Rio Vista Special Election Precinct Results
Rio Vista Special Election Summary Results
2010 11 - Statewide General Election
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November 2, 2010 - Statewide General Election Precinct Results
November 2, 2010 - Statewide General Election Summary Results
November 2, 2010 Polling Place List
November 2010 - Statement of Vote
November 2010 Benicia Measure
November 2010 Candidate Guide
November 2010 Candidate List
November 2010 Candidates Filed Log
November 2010 Dixon Measure
November 2010 Election Calendar
November 2010 Election Results Maps
November 2010 Filing Schedule
November 2010 Important Dates
November 2010 State Candidates
November 2010 Travis Measure
2010 06 - Statewide Direct Primary
Section UL
June 2010 Candidate Guide
June 2010 Election Calendar
June 2010 FPPC Filing Schedule
June 2010 List of Offices
June 8, 2010 Candidate List
June 8, 2010 Polling Places
June 8th 2010 Candidates Filed
June 8th, 2010 Election Results Maps
June 8th, 2010 Statewide Direct Primary Precinct Results
June 8th, 2010 Statewide Direct Primary Summary Results
2009 11 - UDEL Election
Section UL
10th Congressional District Results Map
Benicia City Council Election Results Map
Fairfield City Council Election Results Map
Mayor of Fairfield Election Results Map
Measure U Election Results Map
November 2009 - SID Ballot
November 2009 - SID VBM Supplemental Ballott insert
November 2009 - Solano IDreturn Envelope
November 2009 - Solano Outgoing Evelopes
November 2009 Candidate Guide
November 2009 Election Calendar
November 2009 Polling Locations
November 3, 2009 UDEL Election Precinct Summary Results
November 3, 2009 UDEL Election Summary Results
November 3, 2009 VBM Application
November 3rd 2009 Candidate List
SID Election Summary Results
Vallejo City Council Election Results Map
2009 09 - Congressional District 10 Special Election
Section UL
CD 10 Primary Election Calendar
Congressional District 10 Candidate List
Congressional District 10 Poll Workers
Congressional District 10 Polling Place List
Congressional District 10 Voter Turnout Map
September 1, 2009 Congressional District 10 Precinct Results
September 1, 2009 Congressional District 10 Summary Results
2009 05 - Statewide Special Election
Section UL
May 19 2009, Statewide Special Election Precinct Results
May 19 2009, Statewide Special Election Summary Results
May 19th Election Calendar
Proposition 1A Results Map
Proposition 1B Results Map
Proposition 1C Results Map
Proposition 1D Results Map
Proposition 1E Results Map
Proposition 1F Results Map
2009 04 - Dixon Special Election
Section UL
April 7 2009, Dixon Special Election Summary Results
2008 11 - November Election Results
Section UL
Notice of Election - School District Offices
November 2008 Write In Candidates Results
November 4th 2008 Presidential General Precinct Summary Results
November 4th 2008 Presidential General Summary Results
Results Map - Measure T
Results Map - Presidential
Results Map - Proposition 8
Results Map - Supervisor District 5
2008 06 - June Election Results
Section UL
Results - Statewide Direct Primary Precinct Summary
Results - Statewide Direct Primary Summary
Results Map - Supervisor District 1
Results Map - Supervisor District 2
Results Map - Supervisor District 5
2008 02 - February Election Results
Section UL
Results - Presidential Primary Precinct
Results - Presidential Primary Summary
Results Map - Democratic Primary
Results Map - Proposition 93
Results Map - Republican Primary
2007 11 - November Election Results
Section UL
Results - Consolidated District Election Precinct
Results - Consolidated District Election Summary
Results - Manual Recount Totals for Vallejo
Results Map - Benicia Mayor Absentee
Results Map - Benicia Mayor Election Day Ballots
Results Map - Benicia Mayor Total Ballots
Results Map - Measure Q
Results Map - Measure R
Results Map - Measure S
Results Map - Vallejo Mayor Absentee Ballots
Results Map - Vallejo Mayor Election Day Ballots
Results Map - Vallejo Mayor Total Ballots
2007 08 - August Election Results
Section UL
Results - Rural North Vacaville Water District Precinct
Results - Rural North Vacaville Water District Summary
Rural North Vacaville Water District Election Calendar
2007 04 - April Election Results
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Results - Dixon Special Municipal Election Precinct
Results - Dixon Special Municipal Election Summary
Results Map - Dixon Special Election - Measure M
Results Map - Dixon Special Election - Measure N
Results Map - Dixon Special Election - Measure O
Results Map - Dixon Special Election - Measure P
2006 11 - November Election Results
Section UL
Results - General Election Summary
Results Map - Dixon Sewer Rate Rollback
Results Map - Governor
Results Map - Measure J
2006 06 - June Election Results
Section UL
Results - Direct Primary Summary
Results Map - Assessor/Recorder
Results Map - Auditor/Controller
Results Map - Measure H
Results Map - Sheriff/Coroner
Results Map - Supervisor District 3
2005 and Earlier Results
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March 2000 SOV
March 2002 SOV
November 1995 Election Results
November 1999 Election Results
November 2000 SOV
November 2001 SOV
November 2002 SOV
November 2003 Election Results
November 2004 Presidential General Election Results
November 2004 Presidential General Election Statement of Vote
November 2005 Consolidated Districts and Special Statewide Election Precinct Results
November 2005 Consolidated Districts and Special Statewide Election Summary Results
Registration Statistics 01/26/2001