Planning Services

Use the Solano County GIS Parcel Viewer to look up
property General Plan land use designations and Zoning Districts;
view parcel zoning, and property characteristics.

Mission Statement

To enhance the quality of life by protecting agriculture and the natural and built environment while:

  • ensuring orderly growth,
  • balancing conservation and development,
  • involving the public in decision-making, and
  • providing exceptional customer service.

For Boards, Commissions, and Special Districts, please click here.

Planning Staff Roster

Good Neighbor Policy

On April 9, 2024, the Board of Supervisors, adopted a Good Neighbor Policy (GNP) that strongly recommends project applicants engage with the community to increase transparency and public dialogue prior to the formal public hearing process.  The GNP is not a requirement, although the Planning Services Division strongly recommends that project applicants reach out to property owners within ½ mile of the property once an application has been deemed complete. 

If applicants choose to conduct additional outreach, outreach methods may include community meetings, a project website, flyers or fact sheets. County logo or County contact information shall not be displayed on the outreach materials. Planning Services will provide a list of property owners contact information and ½ mile radius map for your convenience. Following the outreach, applicants are encouraged to submit a Good Neighbor Report (GNR) to the Planning Services Division for incorporation into the staff report.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to bear the costs of the outreach.

A copy of the adopted GNP can be found here. Please refer to the policy for further details or contact the Planner On Duty at [email protected]  or 707-784-6765.


1. Current Planning

Ensure the timely and accurate processing of planning permit applications in the unincorporated County and ensure the accuracy and consistency of information provided to interested persons related to Federal, State and County statutes, codes and policies related to uses of land in the County of Solano.

 Provides assistance to applicants in preparing and obtaining permits, understanding the Zoning and Subdivision Codes, and providing timely information to applicants and the general public on pending projects.


Support the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission to form policy and make decisions on land use matters - and delegated to staff - are the decision making responsibilities of the Zoning Administrator. 

2. Long-Range Planning & General Plan Implementation

  • Prepare and maintain comprehensive plans and policies that guide development and land use decisions to meet the goals and policies of the County and its citizenry consistent with the best principles of planning practice.

Carries out policy planning activities including major General Plan amendments and updates, specific plan and neighborhood plan preparation, special projects like

3. Commissions and Boards Staff Support

Provide efficient and effective staff support services to the
County Planning Commission, Local Agency Formation Commission, Airport Land Use Commission, the Tri City and County Cooperative Planning Group, the Vacaville/Fairfield/Solano County Greenbelt Authority, the Integrated Waste Management Local Task Force, and County Housing Authority to enable these Boards and commissions to make timely and informed decisions.