| | | Assessor Division The County Assessor is primarily responsible for properly determining the taxable value of each property in Solano County. The role of the Solano County Assessor's Division is to provide accurate and timely property assessments and to determine eligibility for various property tax exemptions and exclusions. This is to ensure that property owners are paying the correct amount of property taxes. There are approximately 140,000 parcels of land in Solano County and the Assessor's Office is responsible for determining the assessed value of each parcel for property tax purposes in accordance with California's property tax laws. Our dedicated staff perform this complex, challenging, and rewarding job. If you have questions, you are welcome to call 707-784-6200 and/or e-mail us at [email protected]. To visit during normal business hours, we are located on the second floor of the Solano County Government center at 675 Texas Street, Suite 2700, Fairfield, CA 94533. SOLANO COUNTY – The Solano County Treasurer-Tax Collector-County Clerk, Auditor-Controller and Assessor-Recorder's Offices are working together to assist Solano County property owners to resolve tax bill issues as the departments test, prioritize and work through a series of backlogs and delays that have caused disruptions during the roll-out and implementation of the County’s new property tax system. More... Proposition 19 Approved by voters on November 3, 2020: | On November 3, 2020, voters in California approved Proposition 19 “The Home Protection for Seniors, Severely Disabled, Families, and Victims of Wildfires or Natural Disasters Act.” This Constitutional amendment to Proposition 13 removes and changes some of the parent to child and grand-parent to grand-child property tax exclusions and expands provisions for base year value transfers of a primary residence for persons at least 55 years of age, severely disabled, victims of wildfires or natural disasters. (click for additional information) For more information go to:  State Controller's Property Tax Postponement: | The State Controller’s Property Tax Postponement Program allows homeowners who are seniors, are blind, or have a disability to defer current-year property taxes on their principal residence if they meet certain criteria. The deferment of property taxes is secured by a lien against the property which must eventually be repaid. 2023-24 Program Timeline Applications available: September 2023 Filing period opens: October 1, 2023 Filing period closes: February 10, 2024 Additional Information Available at the California State Controller website: https://www.sco.ca.gov/ardtax_prop_tax_postponement.html Prop 8 Assessments: Temporary Decline in Market Value: | Temporary reductions to your property's taxable value on the Assessment Roll can be initiated by either you or the Assessor. Use the links below for additional information and application forms. Prop 8 information Assessment Review Request Form (Prop 8 Form) | The State Controller’s Property Tax Postponement Program allows homeowners who are seniors, are blind, or have a disability to defer current-year property taxes on their principal residence if they
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