Birth, Death & Marriage Records
Welcome to Our Vital Records Web Site
Copies may be requested on-line, by mail, or in person.  Please follow the instructions below.

Any time you have a question or concern, please contact the office and staff will be happy to assist you.

Important Please Read....

PUBLIC COUNTER HOURS:  Monday – Friday - 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

TELEPHONE HOURS:  Monday – Friday - 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.


Solano County Vital Records
Solano County Assessor/Recorder’s Office
675 Texas St., Suite 2700
Fairfield CA 94533


Telephone:  707-784-6294
Fax:  707-784-9002
[email protected]


Birth Certificates - $34.00

Death Certificates - $26.00

Marriage Certificates - $19.00

Certified copies of Birth, Death, & Public Marriage certificates for events which occurred in Solano County may be ordered either: IN PERSON; ONLINE; OR BY MAIL.


Birth Certificates are available at our office only for those who were born in Solano County.  Newborn certificates are available 3-4 weeks after the birth.

If you were adopted and want a copy of your original birth certificate, you will need to obtain a Court Order and submit the request to the State Office of Vital Records in Sacramento.


Death Certificates are available in our office only for those who passed in Solano County and are available 2-3 weeks after passing.


Marriage Certificate are available at our office only for those who obtained their Marriage License in Solano County.

After the marriage has taken place, the Marriage License must be REGISTERED with the Vital Records Division of the Assessor/Recorder’s Office.  It may be dropped off for registration Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding holidays.  Please allow 2 weeks for processing.

Licenses received during the week are registered two weeks later on Wednesday, PROVIDED REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS ARE MET. 

If all requirements are met for registration, the certificate will be available for pick up on Thursday after 10:00 a.m. 

If the license does NOT meet registration requirements, it will be returned to the Officiant for correction.

Copies of Confidential Marriage Certificates must be obtained from the County Clerk’s Office.  They can be reached at 707-784-7510.


Come to our office at 675 Texas St., Suite 2700, Fairfield CA 94533.  Please bring your photo ID.  No appointment is necessary.  Vital Records is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

In most cases when applying in person, you will receive the certificate while you are here.  Please note that on rare occasions, Vital Records may need to request a copy from the State Office of Vital Records which could take up to two weeks.

All forms of payment are accepted except American Express cards.  Payment with debit or credit cards incur an additional 2.35% debit card/credit card fee.


Online requests for birth, death and marriage records are available through our vendor VitalChek.  Please go to, or click on the link below.

There is a $7.00 charge by VitalChek plus the cost of the certified copy.  All major credit cards are accepted including American Express®, Discover® MasterCard® or Visa®. 

1.  When submitting your application through VitalChek, you will be given the option to have your certificate sent by regular mail or by UPS.  Selecting UPS delivery expedites delivery only.  It does not expedite the processing of your request.  If you select UPS, a signature is required for delivery.  Three attempts will be made to delivery your package before it is returned to Vital Records.  You will be responsible for any return charges that may be incurred by Vital Records.

2.  After you place your order with VitalChek, you will receive an email instructing you to print the “Sworn Statement” and have it notarized.  After the Sworn Statement has been notarized, you can upload it to VitalChek, or fax it to 707-784-9002, or scan and email it to [email protected]Your order cannot be processed until your notarized Sworn Statement is received. 

If you faxed your Sworn Statement and would like to confirm receipt, please email Vital Records at [email protected] with the date you faxed your order.  We will respond back at our earliest convenience.  Due to heavy volume, our office will not confirm receipt of faxes over the phone.

Orders are processed in the order in which the Sworn Statement is received.

PLEASE ALLOW 5 TO 15 BUSINESS DAYS TO PROCESS YOUR REQUEST.  (Processing time is subject to change based on the number of requests received.) 

3.  If there are any issues regarding your application, Vital Records will contact you via email.  You may also check the status of your order by submitting an email to
[email protected].



Print the appropriate application below or contact Vital Records and ask that an application be mailed to you.

NOTICE: All orders must be accompanied by the attached sworn statement
Application and Sworn Statement for Birth Certificates
Application and Sworn Statement for Death Certificates
Application and Sworn Statement for Marriage Certificates
Click here to download the PDF reader from Adobe

Birth Certificate - $34.00

Death Certificate - $26.00

Marriage Certificate - $19.00

1.  Be sure to have your Sworn Statement notarized. 

2.  Include a pre-printed personal check, cashiers check, or money order made payable to Solano County Vital Records.  IF YOU ARE SENDING A PERSONAL CHECK, BE SURE IT IS PRE-PRINTED WITH YOUR CURRENT NAME, ADDRESS, AND WITH A CHECK NUMBER HIGHER THAN 100.

3.  Mail your completed application, notarized Sworn Statement, and payment to:

FAIRFIELD CA 94533-6338

Upon receipt of the completed application, notarized Sworn Statement, and payment, your order will be processed.

PLEASE ALLOW 5 TO 15 BUSINESS DAYS TO PROCESS YOUR REQUEST.  (Processing time is subject to change based on the number of requests received.)

If there are any issues regarding your application, Vital Records may email you for clarification or return your application together with the reason for the return.

Other Contact Numbers
  To change a name on a birth certificate requires a court order (707) 207-7330
  To obtain a license to get married, contact the County Clerk's Office (707) 784-7510
  For divorce record, contact the Courts (707) 207-7340
  For the Recorder's office for property recording information (707) 784-6290
  For more information on obtaining birth certificates for adopted children (707) 784-6294