Safety Tips for Children
The Office of Family Violence Prevention works to address the most significant reasons for unintentional injuries and deaths of children. We offer tools and materials that can help you protect your children in your home and community.
The Office of Family Violence, in partner with the Solano First 5 Commission, Solano County Sheriff's Department, and Solano Public Health have compiled a booklet of Safety Tip Sheets that can help parents teach their kids the importance of being safe in areas such as fire safety, playground safety, bicycle helmet safety, car seat safety, walking to school safety, water safety, boating safety, poison safety, sun/heat stress safety, fireworks safety, and nursery safety. Please take a moment to view this booklet and share these tips with your children. Parents Safety Tips
Children's Exposure to Violence: Healing the Invisible Wounds
Do you suspect a child you know has witnessed or experienced violence? Maybe you think a child you know has witnessed or been hurt by violence. Or maybe you think something’s wrong with the child, but you don’t know what. It can be hard to tell what’s wrong. There may not be clear physical signs such as bruises and cuts. Children often suffer from “invisible wounds” that affect them emotionally and psychologically. This guide will help parents and caregivers identify those signs and then how to help children at all ages and stages who are suffering from those “invisible wounds. Please click on the link below to read more about what you can do to help your children.
Healing the Invisible Wounds - A Guide for Families (English)
Solano Parenting Partnership
The Solano County Parenting Partnership is a collaborative of more than 40 organizations. Its membership includes non-profit organizations, county agencies, child care providers, parents, educators, medical professionals, and community members. The Parenting Partnership is dedicated to linking families with parenting resources, classes and support programs that strengthen the parent-child relationship.
Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome
There are various signs and symptoms of shaken baby syndrome. The consequences of less severe cases may not be brought to the attention of medical professionals and may never be diagnosed. In most severe cases, which usually result in death or severe neurological consequences, the child usually becomes immediately unconscious and suffers rapidly escalating, life-threatening central nervous system dysfunction.
Any of these injuries can lead to severe disability or death. If you suspect a child has been shaken, seek medical attention immediately. For more information on Shaken Baby Syndrome go to: National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome Website
Safely Surrendered Babies
In California, the Safely Surrendered Baby Law allows an individual to give up an unwanted infant with no fear of arrest or prosecution for abandonment. Under the Safely Surrendered Baby (SSB) law, within three days of birth, a parent or a person with lawful custody can safely surrender a baby confidentially and without fear of prosecution. The SSB law requires the baby be taken to a public or private hospital emergency room, designated fire station or other safe surrender site. No questions will be asked. Babies who are safely surrendered at a hospital are given medical treatment and placed in a foster home or pre-adoptive home. At the time of surrender, a bracelet is placed on the baby for identification purposes and a matching bracelet provided to the parent or lawful guardian in case the baby is reclaimed. A parent or a person with lawful custody has up to 14 days from the time of surrender to reclaim their baby. For more information about the Safely Surrendered Baby program please visit their website at: Baby Safe