| | | Homeacres Neighborhood Revitalization Plan

Solano County Lead Paint Abatement Program (LPAT) is accepting Applications!Solano County is accepting Applications!Solano County is accepting Applications!
Please review these LPAT Program and Eligibility Flyers for information on the Lead Paint Abatement Program and FREE grants to correct lead based paint hazards. You can also find more information at the Lead Paint Abatement Program website.
Homeacres Neighborhood Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation Program Open Now! Solano County will begin accepting applications for its Homeacres Neighborhood Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program beginning on Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
Please see the Program Guidelines to see if you are eligible for up to $80,000 for rehabilitation of owner-occupied homes located in the unincorporated Homeacres Neighborhood.
Click below to review documents available for the Homeacres Neighborhood Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program:
• Informational Flier • Eligible Addresses • Program Guidelines • Loan/Grant Application
SOLANO BIZ-GROW - a Small Business Resiliency Fund
The Solano County Economic Development Corporation (Solano EDC), with funding from the Solano County, announced the launch of the SOLANO BIZ-GROW small business loan program. The loan program is designed to assist small businesses and non-profits impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The $4 million loan program offers below market, fixed rate, loans with a 5-year term. For more information about the program, including eligibility and how to apply, please contact Wendi Reed, Solano EDC Loan Program Manager, at 707-864-1855, ext. 21 or [email protected]; or visit https://solanoedc.org/solano-biz-grow-1/revolving-loan-fund/.

Workshop information and images to be included soon!
 | The Solano County Sheriff’s Office, in cooperation with the Homeacres Association, seeks to prevent crime and improve the safety and security of the unincorporated areas that include the Homeacres neighborhood. CLICK HERE to learn more. |
Homeacres contacts in Sheriff's Department:
Homelessness: Dale Matsuoka, Deputy Sheriff 707.784.7093 (Office) [email protected]
Environmental Cleanup: Angela Pangelinan, Deputy Sherriff 707.784.7520 (Office) [email protected]
Solano County Code Compliance CLICK HERE for compliance information and to submit a Complaint Form. City of Vallejo Code Compliance:
Code Enforcement Website
Property Maintenance Ordinance Website
Public Works Department Maintenance Division: Call (707) 648-5235 to report violations on public property.
Fire Prevention Division: Call (707) 648-4021 to report weeds, overgrown vegetation, litter, or junk on private vacant lots.
The Homeacres Home Improvement Program seeks to improve the conditions of owner-occupied homes and are conducting a survey to determine interest in a program to provide low cost loans or grants for home repairs and energy efficiency improvements. We would appreciate your survey comments as we develop this program to serve your community: Tagalog Homeacres Home Rehab Survey English Homeacres Home Rehab Survey
Spanish Homeacres Home Rehab Survey
Jobs and Training
Solano Center
Solano County Health & Social Services
Workforce Development Board
Financial Assistance & Rebate Programs List of various Financial Assistance Services
PG&E - Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH) Program
California Department of Community Services & Development – Assistance Programs
211 Solano County – Search for assistance by category
Solano County Water Agency - Residential Rebate Programs
VSFCD Upper Lateral Program
BayREN – Residential Energy Efficiency
Solano County Sheriff – Security Camera Registration and Mapping (S.C.R.A.M.) Program
Solano County Mobile Food Pharmacy
Community and Senior Wellness
SolanoCares for Seniors
Solano Care
Vibe Solano
Homeacres Improvement Association of Solano County, Inc. Date: Every 3rd Wednesday of the month Time: 6pm – 8pm Location: Greater Vallejo Recreation District @ Norman King Center
Contact: Donald Tipton, Treasurer (707) 642-0486
List of Digital Resources in Solano County Internet Subscription Subsidies (Dependent on ISP participation) -
Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers (Lifeline) Affordable and Accessible Digital Device Programs Digital Literacy Skills Programs Funding Opportunities and subsidies for local organizations, CBOs, nonprofits, etc. -
E-Rate discounts for schools, libraries, health care providers -
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