Disaster Debris Removal Phase 2

Phase 2: Fire Ash and Debris Removal

Property owners have until February 1, 2021 to either OPT-IN and submit a completed Right of Entry (ROE) form to participate in the government sponsored fire debris cleanup program or to OPT-OUT and submit a private cleanup Work Plan to self-fund approved contractors of their choice to cleanup their property. More information on these programs can be found in the Right of Entry or Work Plan Submittal notice and below.


The State is offering a government sponsored fire debris clean-up program for residential private property owners within the LNU Lightning Complex fire boundary in Solano County.  This public option for Phase 2 debris removal is at no cost to private property owners. Please note that a property owner will be ineligible to receive public funding if he/she commences Phase 2 cleanup on their own. If the property owner is insured, any payments received by the property owner from the insurance company for debris removal and cleanup will need to be paid to Solano County for reimbursement to the government program. Any and all costs beyond insurance coverage will be covered by the government-sponsored cleanup program. 

In order to participate in this government sponsored clean-up program property owners must complete and submit a
Right-of-Entry form to the Department of Resource Management.  The Right-of-Entry form along with copies of pertinent supporting documents and personal identification should be submitted the Department of Resource Management as soon as possible to facilitate scheduling of the CalOES contractors who have now begun private property cleanup work in Solano County.  ALL RIGHT-OF-ENTRY FORMS AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS/PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY February 1,2021.  Failure to submit on or before February 1, 2021 may exclude your property form being included in a government sponsored program. By submitting the Right-of-Entry form, residential property owners are granting permission for contractors, hired by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), to safely and efficiently undertake this work and clear the way for rebuilding.  The State has prepared a handout entitled "Who's on my property" to inform property owners regarding various contractors that will be accessing the property for cleanup activities.  When reading this handout, please refer to information under the Inland Branch.  Please also note that after approval by the Department, the ROE is provided to the State for their scheduling and we are not informed of when a specific location is scheduled for cleanup.

All forms can be submitted to the Department of Resource Management through he following methods:
1) Email at LNU-ROE@solanocounty.com, or 
2) In person by appointment only at the Solano County Department of Resource Management, Division of Environmental Health, 675 Texas Street, Suite 5500 (5th Floor) in Fairfield, CA 94533.  Appointments may be scheduled on-line by going to the Department's main web page, or by calling the office at 707-784-6765.

You can also sign-up online to receive notifications.



 OPT-OUT: Private Property Owner Cleanup (Private Option)- ALL PHASE 2 APPLICATIONS and PHASE 2 WORKPLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY February 1, 2021.

Phase 2 Application and Phase 2 Work Plan must be submitted and approved by Solano County Environmental Health prior to the commencement of work under the private option. Private debris removal is done at the homeowner’s expense and must meet the standards set by local, state and federal agencies. This includes compliance with all legal requirements for disposal, authorized disposal sites, best management practices for activities on-site, proper transportation and documentation of waste, soil testing, and erosion control.

After implementation of the approved Work Plan, the owner must submit a certification showing that all work has been completed as specified. Documentation of adequate cleanup and proper disposal will be required. Property owners will not be allowed to build on their property until there is a certification that the property cleanup and removal of all hazardous waste has been completed in accordance with applicable standards.

Conditional Exemption
An exemption is available if it is determined that burn debris is from non-residential structures less than 120 square feet, fences, and non-structural wood materials that did not contain paint, pesticides, herbicides, propane or other similar hazardous substances. An inspection by Solano County Environmental Health is required to verify conditions.

Submit required documents to Solano County Department of Resource Management, Environmental Health Services Division, 675 Texas Street, Suite 5500 (5th Floor), Fairfield, CA  94533 or call (707) 784-6765 during business hours, or electronically any time at EHDebrisRemoval@solanocounty.com.