Health Reports & Data

Data Sources

Frequently used data sources - last updated August 16, 2018

Disease Resources

Reportable Communicable Diseases   - created February, 2019
Pertussis Packet for Schools  - created February, 2019
Control of Viral Gastroenteritis Outbreaks at Longterm Care Facilities   - created April, 2019

Public Health Data & Maps

    Solano County Health Data, by Indicator:
    2023 Solano Health Assessment Core Module  - created January, 2024

    Solano Health Assessment Core Module - created May, 2022

Maternal Child & Adolescent Health Needs Assessment Report - created July, 2020
Solano County Community Indicators - created August, 2019

Assessments & Reports
Solano County Community Health Assessment Report, 2020

The Solano County Community Health Needs Assessment is an assessment of population health among Solano County residents, highlighting key priority health needs to inform local public health programs, policies and partnerships. Solano Public Health and partner agencies identified eight priority health needs as points of focus in this report.

United Way Snapshot of Poverty: Solano County, 2018

The United Way Bay Area developed county reports as advanced reading for a listening tour conducted in early 2018 to enhance their efforts to end the cycle of poverty in the Bay Area. To read the report for Solano County, Click Here.