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 Commission The First 5 Solano Children and Families Commission was established by an ordinance passed by the Solano County Board of Supervisors on June 8, 1999. The ordinance defined the number of Commissioners as nine, the maximum allowed under Proposition 10, which mandates that local commissions include a member of the Board of Supervisors and two representatives of the County Health and Social Services Departments. Read more about the First 5 Solano Commission here.
Programs and Community Impact Since 1999, First 5 Solano has invested in programs and supports that address the three priority areas in this dashboard as well as efforts to change the early childhood system of care. On the page linked below, you will find highlights of its contribution to the well-being of children and families in Solano County in FY2019/20. For more on 5 Solano's community impact click here
Staff First 5 Solano Staff is composed of an Executive Director, Deputy Director, 3 Program Mangers, A Health Education Specialist and Office Assistant III. First 5 Solano staff have a wealth of experience and knowledge in their respective fields including child health and development, early learning, grants and contract management and fiscal administration. To learn more about First 5 Solano Staff click here.
First 5 Solano Commission Foundational Documents The First 5 Solano Children and Families Commission relies upon four foundational documents to guide its work in the community. The commission implements dual strategies of programs and systems change, in an effort to support children and families with programs and services now, while also implementing systems level strategies to positively impact the existing systems of care for future generations. These documents can be found here
About First 5's First 5 Solano provides funding and support to partners who work directly with the community to provide services bettering the lives of children ages 0-5 and their families. Funded partners provide many services including prenatal care, healthcare access, quality childcare, family support, and parent education. For more click here.
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