| | |  Go to the State’s website at https://camortgagerelief.org/ for more information. Solano County Housing Programs and Resources
*** Please note that this is not a complete list of all housing resources available to Solano County residents, only those provided or funded by Solano County.***
CALIFORNIA MORTGAGE RELIEF PROGRAM While the COVID-19 pandemic has affected millions of Americans and created turmoil for homeowners, California is on track to receive $1 billion in mortgage relief funds from the American Rescue Plan Act’s Homeowner Assistance Fund. Homeowners who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments due to pandemic-related financial hardship can use these funds to get caught up.
The California Mortgage Relief Program will provide grants to eligible California homeowners to repay missed mortgage payments or reverse mortgage arrearages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Up to $80,000 per homeowner is available, and it is estimated that 20,000 - 40,000 homes will be served.
In order to be eligible, a California homeowner must: -- Have annual income at or below 100% of the county’s Area Median Income; AND -- Own a single-family home, condo or manufactured home (permanently affixed); AND -- Faced a pandemic-related financial hardship after Jan. 21, 2020; AND -- Meet one of the following qualifications: -- Receiving public assistance; OR -- Severely housing burdened; OR -- Have no alternative mortgage workout options through your mortgage servicer
Visit the State’s website at https://camortgagerelief.org/ for more information.
Applied through the State's Housing is Key Website? - NEED TO REAPPLY If you or someone you know submitted an application for ERAP to the State of California’s Housing Is Key website or the Neighborly application portal, your application will not be processed. The State is directing applicants to re-apply with Catholic Charities of Yolo-Solano.
Eviction Information and Resources Please be aware that Solano County has added extra protections against evictions for non-payment of rent due to COVID-related situations which will still be in place after June 30, 2021. CLICK HERE for FAQs.
Solano County Housing Authority (SCHA) The SCHA, administered by City of Vacaville, provides long-term rental subsidies to eligible households in the cities of Dixon, Rio Vista, and unincorporated Solano County through Housing Choice Vouchers. For more information visit their website by CLICKING HERE.
HOUSING RESOURCES IN SOLANO COUNTY CITIES If you live in the following cities within Solano County, you are advised to contact your local Housing Authority.
-- Benicia Housing Authority, call (707) 745-2071 or click HERE -- Fairfield Housing Authority, call (707) 428-7392 or click HERE -- Suisun City Housing Authority, call (707) 421-7330 or click HERE -- Vacaville Housing Authority, call (707) 449-5675 or click HERE -- Vallejo Housing Authority, call (707) 648-4507 or click HERE
PRESS RELEASES -- Solano County Superior Court, Unlawful Detainer Settlement Conference Program (September 24, 2021) |
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