California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)

The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) applies to all discretionary projects proposed to be conducted or approved by a California public agency, including private projects requiring discretionary government approval. CEQA helps to guide the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) during issuance of permits and approval of projects.


The purpose of CEQA is to:

       Disclose to the public the significant environmental effects of a proposed discretionary project, through the preparation of an Initial Study (IS), Negative Declaration (ND), or Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

       Prevent or minimize damage to the environment through development of project alternatives, mitigation measures, and mitigation monitoring.

       Disclose to the public the agency decision-making process utilized to approve discretionary projects through findings and statements of overriding consideration.

       Enhance public participation in the environmental review process through scoping meetings, public notice, public review, hearings, and the judicial process.

       Improve interagency coordination through early consultations, scoping meetings, notices of preparation, and State Clearinghouse review.

The complete CEQA Statute and Guidelines is available from the California National Resources Agency. CDFW’s CEQA review and compliance generally occurs at the regional office that serves the county where the project would take place. When a project spans multiple Regions, or would have statewide impacts, the Habitat Conservation Planning Branch (HCPB) in Sacramento coordinates CDFW’s CEQA review and compliance. HCPB also administers the CEQA filing fee program. Other branches of CDFW may be responsible for CEQA review and compliance when a project implements or substantially affects a Branch program.

Filing and Fees

Pursuant to Solano County Code section 2-44, any CEQA notices are to be filed the Solano County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. The Clerk requires an original of Exemptions, Notice of Determinations and EIRs. Originals may be mailed to the clerk at the address below or be brought in to the Clerk’s office in person.  If a file stamped copy is needed at the time of filing, an additional copy must be provided with the original. Filing fees for CEQA documents are collected at the time the documents are received by the Clerk for posting. Checks or money orders are accepted and must be made out to "County of Solano". 

The Solano County Clerk of the Board’s Office is located at 675 Texas Street, Suite 6500, Fairfield, CA 94533. The phone number for the office is (707) 784-6100. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (closed for major holidays). Office hours and availability are subject to COVID-19 protocols - please call before visiting the office.

CDFW Fees:

CDFW imposes a filing fee to defray the costs of managing and protecting California’s vast fish and wildlife resources, including, but not limited to consulting with other public agencies, reviewing environmental documents, recommending mitigation measures, and developing monitoring programs (Fish & G. Code, § 711.4). The filing fee will be waived, however, if CDFW determines the project will have no effect on fish and wildlife and issues a “No Effect Determination.” The list of CDFW’s CEQA Environmental Document Filing Fees are available on the CDFW website. The fees change in January of each year.

County Processing Fee:

The Solano County Clerk of the Board’s Office is required to post environmental documents for 30 days. There is a $50 clerk processing fee for posting of these documents. The Clerk’s office cannot file or post environmental documents without the proper fee.

CEQA Notices:

January 2024

010424-001 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Erick Olson, Lennar Homes - Lower Lagoon Valley Neighborhood A House Plans (23-060)(posted 01/04/2024)
011124-002 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Ronald White - Minor Land Use Permit Application MU-23-04 to Construct a 8000sf Accessory Structure (posted 01/11/2024)
011224-003 - NOE - Solano County Water Agency - Solano Project Water Service Contact Renewal (posted 01/12/2024)
011824-004 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Jack Tseng, Mark and Linda Giannini - Tseng-Giannini Lot Line Adjustment LLA-23-05 (posted 01/18/2024)
012324-005 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 536 - DMP Geotechnical Investigation (posted 01/23/2024)
012324-006 - NOE - City of Vacaville - 2024 AC Repair (posted 01/23/2024)
012324-007 - NOE - City of Vacaville - 2024 AC Overlay (posted 01/23/2024)
012324-008 - NOE - City of Vacaville - 2024 Slurry Seal (posted 01/23/2024)
012424-009 - NOD - California Department of Water Resources - Addendum for Chipps Island Tidal Habitat Restoration Project (posted 01/24/2024)
012524-010 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Jose McNeill - OA2023-001 North Cordelia Overlay Amendment (posted 01/25/2024)
012624-011 - NOD - Department of Resource Management - Solano Landing, LLC - Solano Landing Rezoning Petition Z-22-01 and Use Permit U-22-02 (posted 01/26/2024)
012624-012 - NOE - City of Benicia - Military West Pedestrian Bridge Replacement Project (posted 01/26/2024)
012624-013 - NOE - City of Benicia - Citywide Guardrails Upgrade Project (Fed. Aid No. HSIPL 5003 (032)) (posted 01/26/2024)
013024-014 - NOE - City of Benicia - Design Review for Exterior Alterations to the Majestic Theater Fly Tower Application No. PLN-23-30 (posted 01/30/2024)
013124-015 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Alli Roerden - Happy Home Montessori Preschool (File No. 23-138) (posted01/31/2024)
013124-016 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Luis Larios - 876 Cotting Lane Fence (File No. 23-130) (posted 01/31/2024)

February 2024

020224-017 - NOE - City of Vallejo - Maurice Solis - ReLeafAlternative, Inc. Retail Cannabis Sales (posted 02/02/2024)
020724-018 - NOD - Department of Resource Management - Solano County 2023-2031 Housing Element Update (posted 02/07/2024)
020824-019 - NOE - City of Suisun City - Almond Gardens Apartment Redevelopment Project (posted 02/08/2024)
021424-020 - NOE - City of Vallejo - Soil Remediation at 50 Solano Avenue (posted 02/14/2024)
021424-021 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Richard Sellers - Sellers Minor Subdivision MS-21-01 (posted 02/14/2024)
021524-022 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Gursewak Singh - Monte Vista Food and Liquor Expansion (File No. 23-107) (posted 02/15/2024)
021624-023 - NOE - City of Dixon - Dixon Readi-Ride Transit Operations (FY2023-24 TDA Claim) (posted 02/16/2024)
022024-024 - NOD - City of Vacaville - The Conco Companies c/o Darren Ratekin - Nut Tree Business Park 3rd Time Extension (File No. 23-154) (posted 02/20/2024)
022124-025 - NOE - Department of Resource Management-Public Works Engineering - Chip Seal 2024 (posted 02/21/2024)
022224-026 - NOE - Vacaville Unified School District - Alamo Elementary School Portable Relocation Project (posted 02/22/2024)
022324-027 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 536 - FRSP Geotechnical Investigation (posted 02/23/2024)
022624-028 - NOE - City of Benicia - 963 Jefferson St BNB - Use Permit (posted 02/26/2024)
022624-029 - NOE - City of Benicia - 963 Jefferson St BNB - Design Review (posted 02/26/2024)
022624-030 - NOE - City of Benicia - Design Review for Ext Alt to a Contributing SFR No. PLN-23-32 (posted 02/26/2024)
022924-031 - NOD - City of Benicia - Adoption of Amendments to the Housing Element of the Benicia General Plan (posted 02/29/2024)
022924-032 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Sarah Chapman - Union Way Building Antenna (File No. 23-116) (posted 02/29/2024)
022924-033 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Battery Energy Storage Systems Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 2024-1852-U-E (posted 02/29/2024)

March 2024

030424-034 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Richard Leider - Fairfield Cement Hill L.P. (posted 03/04/2024)
030424-035 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Jack C. Byers, Jr. - Family of Faith Daycare and Preschool (File No. 23-159) (posted 03/04/2024)
030424-036 - NOE - City of Vacaville - R.E.-Clarity Inc. c.o. Sandra Stephenson on behalf of ISHC Properties, LLC - Millennium Center General Plan & Zoning Map Amendments (File No. 23-032) (posted 03/04/2024)
030424-037 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Peter Gaudet - Parkway Community Church Lot Merger (posted 03/04/2024)
030724-038 - NOE - City of Benicia - Downtown Mixed Use Master Plan (DMUMP) Amendment (posted 03/07/2024)
031224-039 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Crowne Communities c/o Amar Takhar - Roberts' Ranch Village D House Plans (File No. 23-075) (posted 03/12/2024)
031424-040 - NOE - City of Rio Vista - Sign Code Amendments (posted 03/14/2024)
031424-041 - NOE - City of Rio Vista - Rio Vista 2024 Housing Codes Update (posted 03/14/2024)
031424-042 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Rowland Family Properties - 2500 North Watney Way Parcel Split (posted 03/14/2024)
031924-043 - NOE - City of Vallejo - Elite Public Schools - Major Use Permit 22-0008 Charter Hight School at 241 Georgia Street (posted 03/19/2024)
032024-044 - NOE - City of Benicia - Municipal Code Title 17 (zoning) Ordinance Amendments (posted 03/20/2024)
032024-045 - NOE - City of Benicia - 2023 General Plan & Housing Element Annual Progress Report (posted 03/20/2024)
032024-046 - NOE - City of Benicia - Guangming Zhang - 2995 Cannabis Cultivation (posted 03/20/2024)
032224-047 - NOE - Vallejo Flood & Wastewater District - WWTP Solids Facility Conduit & Wire Project (posted 03/22/2024)
032224-048 - NOE - Vallejo Flood & Wastewater District - DOM 4 Lift Station MCC and CP Replacement Project (posted 03/22/2024)
032524-049 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Anil K Gutta - Pet Hotel (posted 03/25/2024)
032524-050 - NOE - Benicia Unified School District - Benicia High School Performing Arts Building Modernization and Addition of Approximately 3000 sq ft (posted 03/25/2024)

April 2024

040524-051 - NOE - City of Dixon - Comprehensive Update to Dixon Zoning Ordinance and Map and Amendments to General Plan 2040 (posted 04/05/2024)
040924-052 - NOD - City of Fairfield - James Haliburton, BRW Architects - Archway Recovery Services Facility (posted 04/09/2024)
041024-053 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Lower Lagoon Valley Temporary Water Modification (24-017) (posted04/10/2024)
041024-054 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Chevron Fueling CNG Addition Modification (File No. 23-147) (posted 04/10/2024)
041024-055 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - Asphalt at Five School District (posted 04/10/2024)
041024-056 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - Library Flooring at Eight School Sites (posted 04/10/2024)
041024-057 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - Anna Kyle Elementary New Kindergarten & Administration Building Addition (posted 04/10/2024)
041024-058 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - Armijo High School New Portable Restroom Building Addition (posted 04/10/2024)
041024-059 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - KI Jones Elementary Kitchen Modernization and Expansion (posted 04/10/2024)
041024-060 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - Play Equipment Replacement at David Weir Academy and Rolling Hills Elementary School (posted 04/10/2024)
041024-061 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - Walk-In Refrigeration Replacements & Additions at Four School Campuses (posted 04/10/2024)
041024-062 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - HVAC Upgrade at Oakbrook Academy (posted 04/10/2024)
041024-063 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - Exterior Painting at Nelda Mundy and Fairfield High School Campuses (posted 04/10/2024)
041024-064 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District - Roofing at Anna Kyle Elementary and Cordelia Hills Elementary (posted 04/10/2024)
041124-065 - NOE - City of Rio Vista - Pacific Coast Botanicals, LLC - Pacific Coast Botanicals Extraction Facility Project (posted 04/11/2024)
041724-066 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Mr. John Cicerone, CFY Development, Inc - Allison Apartments Time Extension (File No. 24-004) (posted 04/17/2024)
041724-067 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 501 - Ryer Island, Annual Routine Maintenance (posted 04/17/2024)
042424-068 - NOE - Cordelia Fire Protection District- McCready Court (posted 4/24/2024)
043024-069 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Lyle Doughty - Minor Subdivision MS-18-06 (posted 04/30/2024)
043024-070 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Frank Ables-Solano Seamless - Minor Use Permit MU-23-06 (posted 04/30/2024)
043024-071 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Albert Medvitz - Medvitz Sheepdog Trial (posted 04/30/2024)
043024-072 - NOE - Solano Irrigation District - Pierce Lateral B Headworks to Turnout 2 Pipeline Replacement (posted 04/30/2024)
043024-073 - NOE - Solano Irrigation District - Pierce Lateral Turnout 6 to Turnout 10 Replacement (posted 04/30/2024)
043024-074 - NOE - Solano Irrigation District - Chadbourne Lateral 4 Rockville at Abernathy to Suisun Pkwy Pipeline Replacement (posted 04/30/2024)
043024-075 - NOE - Solano Irrigation District - Vaughn Lateral 5 Silveyville to TO 7 Pipeline Replacement (posted 04/30/2024)
043024-076 - NOE - Solano Irrigation District - Lateral K-7 Pipeline and Electrical Project (posted 04/30/2024)

May 2024

050124-077 - NOE - Vallejo Flood & Wastewater District - 2024 Sewer Rehabilitation Project (CWM038) (posted 05/01/2024)
050324-078 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Lagoon Valley Park - Dog Park Improvements (posted 05/03/2024)
050824-079 - NOE - Benicia Police Department - Flock Safety Automate License Plate Reading (ALPR) Camera Installation Project (posted 05/08/2024)
051524-080 - NOE - City of Vacaville - RKAA Architects, c.o. Brenda Lopez - Bella Vista Storage Addition Time Extension (File No. 24-016) (posted 05/15/2024)
051524-081 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Studio W. Architects, c.o. Rachel Clemente - Kairos Public Charter School Modification (File No. 24-013) (posted 05/15/2024)
051524-082 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 2068 - 2024-2025 Routine Maintenance (posted 05/15/2024)
051524-083 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 536 - Egbert Tract 2024-2025 Routine Maintenance (posted 05/15/2024)
051524-084 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 1667 - Prospect Island 2024-2025 Routine Maintenance and Levee Rehabilitation (posted 05/15/2024)
051524-085 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 1607 - 2024-2025 Routine Maintenance (posted 05/15/2024)
051624-086 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 999 - Netherlands District, 2024-2025 Routine Maintenance (posted 05/16/2024)
051624-087 - NOE - Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District - Revision of Rule 2.14-Architectural Coatings (posted 05/16/2024)
051624-088 - NOE - Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District - Adoption of Rule 4.5-Federal Clean Act Section 185 Penalty Fees (posted 05/16/2024)
052024-089 - NOE - Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Community Emissions Reduction Plan for the Richmond, North Richmond, and San Pablo Path to Clear Air Area (posted 05/20/2024)
052024-090 - NOE - River Delta Unified School District - Riverview Middle School Modernization Project (posted 05/20/2024)
052024-091 - NOE - River Delta Unified School District - D.H. White Elementary School Modernization Project (posted 05/20/2024)
052124-092 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 536 - Deferred Maintenance Project - Four Pipe Replacement (posted 05/21/2024)
052224-093 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 2060 - Hastings Tract, 2024-2025 Routine Maintenance (posted 05/22/2024)
052324-094 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 2098 - Cache Haas Area 2024-2025 Routine Maintenance (posted 05/23/2024)
052324-095 - NOE - Reclamation District No. 2084 - Little Egbert Tract 2024-2025 Routine Maintenance (posted 05/23/24)
052824-096 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Fire Department-Jessica Fleshman - Rolling Hills Open Space Burn (posted 05/28/24)
052924-097 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District - Budget and Long-Term Financial Plan Fiscal Year 2024-25 (posted 05/29/24)
053024-098 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Triad Lagoon Valley, c.o. Chris Johnston - Lower Lagoon Valley Neighborhood K2 and L Modification (File No. 24-021) (posted 05/30/24)
053124-099 - NOE - City of Suisun City - 2024 Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drain Pipe Lining Project (posted 05/31/24)

June 2024

060424-100 - NOD - Department of Resource Management-Public Works Engineering - Foothill Drive Bike Connection and Safety Improvements (posted 06/04/2024)
061124-101 - City of Vallejo - Param Dhillon - 4018 Sonoma Boulevard Corrective Action and Mitigation Plan (posted 06/11/2024)
061124-102 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Lum Family Ltd Partnership and Bains Farms LLC - Lum & Bains Lot Line Adjustment and replacement Williamson Act Contracts (posted 06/11/2024)
061124-103 - NOE - Collinsville Levee District - 2024-2024 Routine Maintenance (posted 06/11/2024)
061224-104 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Mubasher Choudhery - Peabody Autobody Perimeter Wall (File No. 23-146) (06/12/2024)
061224-105 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Studio W. Architects, c.o. Rachel Clemente - Kairos Public Charter School Time Extension (File No. 23-151) (posted 06/12/2024)
061224-106 - NOD - Department of Water Resources - Delta Conveyance Project (posted 06/12/2024)
061324-107 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Waterman Water Treatment Plant High Pump & Power Upgrade Project (posted 06/13/2024)
061324-108 - NOE - City of Fairfield - John Wignal - MD2024-003 and ER2024-005 for Two Modular Homes on Permanent Foundation (posted 06/13/2024)
061424-109 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Rakesh and Priya Vij - Vij Zone Text Amendment and Minor Use Permit MU-20-05 (posted 06/14/2024)
061724-110 - NOE - City of Benicia - Evan Gorman - Use Permit for Tattoo Body Art Studio Ancillary to Retail Art Gallery, Application No. PLN-24-13 (posted 06/17/2024)
061724-111 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Bret Hogge - All Weather Architectural Aluminum Addition (File No. 24-005) (posted 06/17/2024)
062624-112 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Andrea Osgood with Eden Housing - Oak Grove Apartments Time Extension (File No. 24-033) (posted 06/26/24)
062624-113 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Discovery Builders c/o Josh Randles -Vandengate House Plans 2nd Time Extension (File No. 24-040) (posted 06/26/24)
062824-114 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Greg Davis - U-24-02 New Cingular Wireless (posted 06/28/24)
062824-115 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Elinore Ramas - Beacon Day Program (posted 06/28/24)

July 2024

070124-116 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Digital Freeway Billboards Zoning Text Amendment and CCO Digital Billboard Amendment (posted 07/01/2024)
070224-117 - NOE - David Hayer - 736 First Street Design Review (posted 07/02/2024)
070224-118 - NOE - City of Benicia - Michele Heisler - Sol-Bay Permit Amendment (posted 07/02/2024)
070324-119 - NOE - Solano County Transit - Operations Funding for Fixed-Route Commuter Bus Service (posted 07/03/2024)
070824-120 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Efren Maciel Gilberto Ruiz - Tacos Lidia Mobile Food Truck (File No. 24-065) (posted 07/08/2024)
070924-121 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - AT&T c/o 51 Wireless - U-24-01(AT&T) (posted 07/09/2024)
071124-122 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Ryan Ferguson - Molnar Residence (24-028) (posted 07/11/2024)
071124-123 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Alicia Hintzen, Taylor Morrison of CA, LLC - Lower Lagoon Valley Neighborhood B House Plans (24-029) (posted 07/11/2024)
071224-124 - NOE - Department of Resource Management-Public Works Engineering - Hay Road Improvement Project Phase 2 (posted 07/12/2024)
071224-125 - NOE - City of Fairfield - James Haliburton, BRW Architects - Archway Recovery Services Facility (MD2023-007 and ER2023-025) (posted 07/12/2024)
071524-126 - NOD - Water Emergency Transportation Authority - Vallejo Ferry Terminal Reconfiguration Project (posted 07/15/2024)
071724-127 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Real Time Information Center (posted 07/17/2024)
071724-128 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Fire Station Security System (posted 07/17/2024)
071724-129 - NOE - City of Vacaville - West Monte Vista Sewer and Water Improvements (posted 07/17/2024)
072224-130 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Jepson Center Drive -Through Facility (File No. 24-008) (posted 07/22/2024)
072524-131 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Eubanks and Cotting Lane Amendments (File No. 126) (posted 07/25/2024)
072524-132 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Chei Chen and Regina Yin - Yin Ranch General Plan Amendment and Rezone Petition (posted 07/25/2024)
072924-133 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Solano Land Trust - SGN-24-01 (posted 07/29/2024)
073024-134 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Diversity Beer MU-20-08 Rv1 (posted 07/30/2024)

August 2024

080124-135 - NOD - Yolo Transportation District - California Department of Transportation District 3 - Yolo Corridor Improvements Project (posted 08/01/2024)
080224-136 - NOE - Department of Resource Management-Public Works Engineering - DOIT Benicia Equipment Shelter (08/02/2024)
080724-137 - NOE - Fairfield Public Works - Waterman Water Treatment Plan Solar and Battery System Project (08/07/2024)
080924-138 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - TAFB and Rio Vista Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan Amendments (posted 08/09/2024)
081324-139 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Nick Stevens - U-24-07 (posted 08/13/2024)
081324-140 - NOE- City of Fairfield - Aalba Dent and Vince Benetti - 400 Watt Drive Contactor's Yard (posted 08/13/2024)
081424-141 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - SBA Towers III, LLC - Use Permit U-5-11-MR2 (posted 08/14/2024)
082024-142 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Repair and Maintenance for Existing Facilities (posted 08/20/2024)
082224-143 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Taylor Morrison - Villages at Vanden Unit 5 House Plans (File No. 24-039) (posted 08/22/2024)
082624-144 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Scott Mulvey  City Church-Medical Clinic (posted 08/26/2024)
082624-145 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Scott Mulvey - City Church-Faith Based College (posted 08/26/2024)
083024-146 - NOE - Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District - ARPA Upper Lateral Replacement Project (CWL004) (posted 08/30/2024)
083024-147 - NOE - BAAQMD - Valero Refining Company (posted 08/30/2024)

September 2024

090324-148 - NOE - Department of General Services, Capital Projects Management - Lake Solano County Park Potable and Waste Water Improvement Project (posted 09/03/2024)
090324-149 - NOE - Department of General Services, Capital Projects Management - Lake Solano County Park Waterfront and Boater Access (posted 09/03/2024)
090524-150 - NOD - BAAQMD - Amendments to BAAMD Regulation 8: Organic Compounds, Rule 18: Equipment Leaks (posted 09/05/2024)
090624-151 - NOE - Solano Conservation Resource District - Flood and Fire Prevention (posted 09/06/2024)
091024-152 - NOE - City of Vallejo - Redwood Residential Development, LLC - 1765 Broadway-Broadway Apartments (posted 09/10/2024)
091024-153 - NOE - City of Vallejo - Luis Guzman-GWA Architects - Panda Express (posted 09/10/2024)
091024-154 - NOE - Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District - DOM 4 Lift Station MCC and CP Replacement Project (posted 09/10/2024)
091024-155 - NOE - Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District - WWTP Solids Facility Conduit & Wire Project (posted 09/10/2024)
091124-156 - NOE - Department of Resource Management-Public Works Engineering - Bridge Methacrylate Improvement Project (posted 09/11/2024)
091124-157 - NOD - Travis Unified School District - Golden West Middle School Expansion Project (posted 09/11/2024)
091224-158 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Chris Johnston, Triad Lagoon Valley, LLC - Lower Lagoon Valley Master Planned Sign Program (24-002) (posted 09/12/2024)
091224-159 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Erick Olson, Lennar Homes - Lower Lagoon Valley Neighborhood K2 House Plans (24-063) (posted 09/12/2024)
091224-160 - NOE - City of Rio Vista - Funding for Public Deviated Fixed Route and Demand Response Service (posted 09/12/2024)
091624-161 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Ryan Kroll - 7-Eleven Alcohol Sales (posted 09/16/2024)
091924-162 - NOE - Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District - 2024 Treatment Plant Pavement Rehabiliation Project (posted 9/19/24)
09192024-163 - NOE - City of Vacaville - WeidnerCA Patrick DuHain - NorthBay Health VacaValley Campus Planned Sign Program (posted 9/19/24)
091924-164 - NOD - Yuba County Water Agency - Extension of the Yuba Accord Long-Term Water Transfer Program (posted 9/19/24)
091924-165 - NOD - California Department of Water Resources - Delta Conveyance Project (posted 9/19/24)
092324-166 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Lower Lagoon Valley Neighborhood C House Plans (posted 9/23/24)
092524-167 - NOE - City of Fairfield - CDBG Lee Bell Restrooms (posted 9/25/24)
092524-168 - NOE - City of Fairfield - CDBG Curb Ramp Replacement (posted 9/25/24)
092624-169 - NOE - City of Vallejo - Raising Canes (posted 9/26/24)

October 2024

100124-170 - NOE - City of Fairfield - On the Green V Virtual Golf Use Permit (posted 10/1/24)
100124-171 - NOE - Department of Resource Management - Glass Fish LLC Revision No. 1 of Use Permit U-93-23 (posted 10/1/24)
100724-172 - NOD - City of Fairfield - Charity Wagner - Middle Green Valley General Plan Amendment (posted 10/7/24)
100924-173 - NOE - Bay Area Air Quality Management - Valero Refining Company (posted 10/9/24)
100924-174 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Downtown Specific Plan Utility Improvements Project (posted 10/9/24)
101024-175 - NOD - DWR - Delta Conveyance Project (posted 10/10/24)
101524-176 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Creekside MHP Addition (File No. 24-058) (posted 10/15/24)
101624-177 - NOD - DWR - Delta Conveyance Project (posted 10/16/24)
101824-178 - NOD - DWR - Delta Conveyance Project (posted 10/18/24)
101824-179 - NOD - DWR - Delta Conveyance Project (posted 10/18/24)
102124-180 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Lopes Road and Water Pipeline Reconstruction Emergency Project (posted 10/21/24)
102224-181 - NOE - City of Fairfield - 510 Chadbourne Road Warehouse (posted 10/21/24)
102224-182 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Vaca Valley Country Club (posted 10/22/24)
102224-183 - NOE - Solano Irrigation District - Whispering Bay Intertie (posted 10/22/24)
102824-184 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Horizon Self Storage (posted 10/28/24)
103024-185 - NOE - Solano County Resource Management Public Works - On-Call Dead Tree Removal Project 2025 (posted 10/30/24)

November 2024

110624-186 - NOD - DWR - Delta Conveyance Project (posted 11/6/24)
110724-187 - NOD - Solano County Resource Management - Agricultural Mitigation Ordinance (posted 11/7/24)
110724-188 - NOD - Solano County Resource Management - Middle Green Valley Specific Plan Project (posted 11/7/27)
110824-189 - NOD - City of Vacaville Planning - Centennial Park Master Plan (posted 11/8/24)
110824-190 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Brown Street Park (24-029) (posted 11/8/24)
111324-191 - NOE - City of Fairfield - Messer Interim Use Permit (posted 11/13/24)
111424-192 - NOD - City of Vacaville - North Village Area Plan 2 (posted 11/14/24)
111424-193 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Hunt Residence (posted 11/14/24)
112024-194 - NOE - City of Vacaville - 2025 Slurry Seal Project (posted 11/20/24)
112024-195 - NOE - City of Vacaville - 2025 AC Repair Project (posted 11/20/24)
112024-196 - NOE - City of Vacaville - 2025 ADA Ramp Improvements (posted 11/20/24)
112024-197 - NOE - City of Vacaville - Citywide Solar Project (posted 11/20/24)
112124-198 - NOD - City of Suisun City - Highway 12 Logistics Center (posted 11/21/24)
112124-199 - NOD - CA Department of Water Resources - Delta Conveyance Project (posted 11/21/24)
112224-200 - NOE - Solano Resource Management - Solano County Lighting Improvement (posted 11/22/24)
112224-201 - NOD - CA Department of Water Resources - Delta Conveyance (posted 11/22/24)
112524-202 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Roberts Ranch Village (posted 11/25/24)
112624-203 - NOD - Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District - Suisun Force Main Reliability Project (posted 11/26/24)
112624-204 - NOE - City of Vacaville - 4406 Boyd Streee (File No. 24-070) (posted 11/26/24)

December 2024

120424-205 - NOD - DWR - Delta Conveyance Project (posted 12/4/24)
120524-206 - NOD - City of Fairfield - General Plan Update and Climate Action Plan (posted 12/5/24)
121124-207 - NOE - City of Fairfield Public Works - Fairfield Corporation Yard Electrification Project (posted 12/11/24)
121224-208 - NOE - City of Fairfield Public Works - New Clay Oven Restaurant (posted 12/12/24)
121324-209 - NOE - City of Suisun City - Walmart Expansion Remodel Project (posted 12/13/24)
121324-210 - NOD - DWR - Amend an agreement between the Metropolitan Water District and DWR (posted 12/13/24)
121624-211 - NOE - City of Vallejo Public Works - Spring Roads Diet (posted 12/16/24)
121624-212 - NOE - Solano County Resource Management - Public Health and Safety Update (posted 12/16/24)
121824-213 - NOE - City of Benicia - Amendments to Benicia Municipal Code Title 17 (posted 12/18/24)
121924-214 - NOE - City of Benicia - Shoreline Revetment Project (posted 12/19/24)
121924-215 - NOD - MTC ABAG - Plan Bay Area 2050 EIR (posted 12/19/24)
122724-216 - NOE - Yolo Solano Air Quality Management District - Adoption of Rule 2.46 Organic Waste Composting (posted 12/27/24)

January 2025

010225-001 - NOD - City of Vallejo - Housing Element Update (posted 1/2/25)
010825-002 - NOE - Vallejo Marina A Dock Removal (posted 1/8/25)
010825-003 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Roberts Ranch Village (posted 1/8/25)
011025-004 - NOD - City of Dixon - Dixon Innovation Center (posted 1/10/25)
011325-005 - NOE - Napa County - Mt Vaca Repeater Fuel Reduction (posted 1/13/25)
011325-006 - NOE - Vallejo Unified School District - Conveyance of Land Lot 647 (posted 1/13/25)
011525-007 - NOE - Vacaville School District - Eugene Padan Elementary School Kitchen (1/15/25)
011725-008 - NOE - Solano County Resource Management - ZT2402 amending Chapter 28 (Zoning Regulations) (posted 1/17/25)
012125-009 - NOE - Solano County Resource Management Public Works - Flock Safety License Plate Reading Camera (posted 1/21/25)
012225-010 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Brown Street Park (24-029) (posted 1/22/25)
012325-011 - NOE - Solano County Resource Management Public Works - Solano County Culvert Improvement Project (posted 1/23/25)
012325-012 - NOD - DWR - Delta Conveyance (posted 1/23/25)
012325-013 - NOE - FSUSD - Suisun Elementary Kitchen Expansion (posted 1/23/25)
012325-014 - NOE - FSUSD - Marquees (posted 1/23/25)
012325-015 - NOE - FSUSD - Armijo HS CTE Performing Arts (posted 1/23/25)
012325-016 - NOE - FSUSD - New EV Charging Parking Lot (posted 1/23/25)
012325-017 - NOE - FSUSD - Walk In Refrigeration (posted 1/23/25)
012725-018 - NOE - SOLANO RCD - Nelson Road Fuel Reduction (posted 1/27/25)
012725-019 - NOE - SOLANO RCD - Quail Canyon Fuel Reduction (posted 1/27/2025)
012725-020 - NOE - CITY OF FAIRFIELD - Arco AM PM Alcohol Sales (posted 1/27/25)
013025-021 - NOD - Fairfield Suisun Sewer District - Kellogg Resiliency Project (posted 1/30/25)
013025-022 - NOE - Reclamation District No 1607 - Van Sickle Island 2025 Emergency Levee Repair (posted 1/30/25)
013125-023 - NOE - SF Bay Restoration Authority - Science Elements of the Wetland Regional Monitoring Program (posted 1/31/25)

February 2025

020525-024 - NOD - City of Benicia - Housing Element & Safety Updates (posted 2/5/25)
022725-028 - NOD - City of Vacaville - Eleanor Nelson Park Master Plan Update (posted 2/27/25)

March 2025

030425-029 - NOD - DWR- Delta Conveyance Project (posted 3/4/25)
030725-034 - NOE - RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - MU-24-01 (CARLOS) (posted 3/7/25)
031225-036 - NOD - CITY OF VACAVILLE - BROWN STREET PARK (24-029) (posted 3/12/25)
031225-037 - NOD - CITY OF VACAVILLE - LOWER LAGOON VALLEY EVENT CENTER (24-082) (posted 3/12/25)
031925-040 - NOD - CITY OF DIXON - THE CAMPUS PROJECT (posted 3/19/25)


011624 - Notice of Intent - Solano County Mosquito Abatement District - Apply Public Health Pesticides for Vector Control Purposes to Surface Waters and Waters of the U.S. within Solano (posted 01/16/2024)
012224 - Notice of Intent to Use Funds - Solano Land Trust - Patwino Worrtla Kodoi Dihi Open Space Park (posted 01/22/2024)
021424 - Notice of Availability - City of Vacaville - Draft Supplemental EIR - The Fields at Alamo Creek Subdivision (posted 02/14/2024)
022224 - Notice of Availability - California Department of Water Resources - Draft Supplemental EIR - Pulse Flows Component of Water Storage Investment Program Groundwater Projects (posted 02/22/2024)
022624 - Notice of Preparation - City of Davis - Draft Subsequent EIR and Scoping Meeting - Palomino Place Project (posted 02/26/2024)
022624 - Notice of Intent - City of Fairfield - Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration - Archway Recovery Services (posted 02/26/2024)
022924 - Notice of Intent - Department of Resource Management - Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration - Double T Ranch (posted 02/29/2024)
030124 - Department of Fish and Wildlife - Draft EIR - Migratory Game Bird Hunting (Waterfowl, Coots, Moorhens) (posted 03/01/2024)
030424 - Notice of Petition - California Water Boards - Requesting Changes in Water Rights of the DWR - Delta Conveyance Project (posted 03/04/2024)
032224 - Notice of Preparation and Scoping Meeting - City of Fairfield - Fairfield Forward 2050 (posted 03/22/2024)
032524 - Notice of Public Hearing - City of Dixon - Comprehensive Update to Dixon Zoning Ordinance, Various Edits to the Dixon Municipal Code, Amendments to the General Plan 2040 Text and Land Use Map (posted 03/25/2024)
032824 - Notice of Intent - Department of Resource Management-Public Works Engineering - Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration - Foothill Drive Bike Connection and Safety Improvements (posted 03/28/2024)
041224 - Notice of Completion - Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District - 2023 Sewer Rehabilitation Project, Project No. CWM037 (posted 04/12/2024)
041824 - Notice of Intent - City of Vacaville - Adopt Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration - Digital Freeway Billboards Zoning Text Amendments (posted 04/18/2024)
041924 - Public Hearing Notice - Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District - Proposed Amendments to Rule 2.14, Architectural Coatings (posted 04/19/2024)
041924 - New Project Notice - City of Vacaville - Brown Street Park (posted04/19/2024)
041924 - Public Hearing Notice - Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District - Proposed Adoption of Rule 4.5, Federal Clean Air Act Section 185 Penalty Fees (posted 04/19/2024)
050124 - Notice of Completion - Vallejo Flood & Wastewater District (posted 05/01/2024)
050324 - Notice of Public Comment and Public Hearing - California Water Boards - Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board's Draft Federal Nonpoint Source Permit (posted 05/03/2024)
051524 - Notice of Availability and Public Comment - Cal Maritime - Waterfront Master Plan (posted 05/15/2024)
052024 - Notice of Preparation - Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District - EIR - Water Reduction Program Agreement (posted 05/20/2024)
052324 - Notice of Intent - Bay Area Air Quality Management District - Adopt Negative Declaration - Proposed Amendments to Regulation 8-Organic Compounds, Rule 18-Equipment Leaks (posted 05/23/24)
052324 - Notice of Intent - Water Emergency Transportation Authority - Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration - Vallejo Ferry Terminal Reconfiguration Project (posted 05/23/24)
052424 - Notice of Preparation - City of Vacaville - Initial Study and EIR - McMurtry Creek Estates Project (File No. 21-227) (posted 05/24/2024)
060424 - Notice of Preparation - City of Rio Vista - EIR - Brann Ranch Project (posted 06/04/2024)
061024 - Notice of Availability - California Department of Water Resources - Draft EIR - Operation of State Water Project in Sac-San Joaquin Delta, Suisun Marsh and Bay (posted 06/10/2024)
062124 - Notice of Preparation - Department of Water Resources - EIR - State Water Project Delta Field Division - Operations and Maintenance Habitat Conservation Plan (posted 06/21/2024)
070324 - Notice of Intent - Travis Unified School District - Adopt Mitigated Negative Declaration - Golden West Middle School Expansion Project (posted 07/03/2024)
070924 - Notice of Availability - Bureau of Indian Affairs - Environmental Assessment for the Scotts Valley Casino and Tribal Housing Project (posted 07/09/2024)
071524 - Notice of Findings - CA Fish and Game Commission - White Sturgeon (posted 07/15/2024)
071824 - Public Notice - DWR - Draft EIR - Long Term Operation of the State Water Project - Comment Period Extended (posted 07/18/2024)
071824 - Notice of Scoping Meeting - City of Davis - Preparation of Draft EIR - Shriners Property (posted 07/18/2024)
072624 - Notice of Availability - City of Fairfield - Draft EIR - Fairfield Forward 2050 - General Plan Update, 6th Cycle Housing Element (posted 07/26/2024)
080924 - Notice of Intent - University of California, Davis - Adopt a Subsequent Mitigate Negative Declaration - Amendment to UC Davis 2018 Long Range Development Plan to Address Impacts on Crotch's Bumble Bee (posted 08/09/2024)
081424 - Notice of Application - LS Power Grid California, LLC - Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Authorizing Construction of the Collinsville 500-230 KV Substation Project (posted 08/14/2024)
082924 - Notice of Intent - City of Vacaville - Centennial Park Master Plan Project (posted 08/09/2024)
090424 - Notice of Intent - City of Vacaville - Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration - Brown Street Park Master Plan Project (posted 09/04/2024)
091124 - Notice of Intent - City of Rio Vista - Adopt Initial Study-Mitigated Negative Declaration - Wastewater Plant Consolidation Project (posted 09/11/2024)
092524 - Notice of Preparation - California Energy Commission - Draft Environmental Impact Report (posted 9/25/24)  
100924 - Notice of Intent - FSSD - Public Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (posted 10/9/24)
102424 - Notice of Intent - Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District - Proposed Adoption of Rule 2.46 (posted 10/24/24)
110424 - Notice of Preparation - City of Rio Vista - Notice of Public Scoping Meeting (posted 11/4/24)
110524 - Notice of Comments on Draft EIR - City of Fairfield - Fairfield Forward 2050 Draft EIR (posted 11/5/24)
110524 - Notice of Availability - CA Water Boards - SF Bay Federal Channels Operation (posted 11/5/24)
111224 - Notice of Public Hearing - Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District - Proposed Adoption of Rule 2.46 Organic Waste Compositing (posted 11/12/24)
111824 - Public Notice - Resource Management - Amendment to the JTD Solid Waste Facility Permit SWIS No. 48-AA-0075 (posted 11/18/24)
121924 - Notice of Intent - Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District - Kellogg Resiliency Project (posted 12/19/24)
122324 - Notice of Preparation - County of Sonoma - CAC Redevelopment Project (posted 12/23/24)
010325 - Notice of Preparation - Collinsville Panora - Notice of Public Scoping for Collinsville (posted 1/3/25)
010625 - Notice of Study - City of Dixon - Harvest at Dixon (posted 1/6/25)
011025 - Notice of Meeting - City of Vacaville - Brown Street Park (posted 1/10/25)
011025 - Notice of Availability - City of Davis - Village Farms Davis (posted 1/10/25)

011425 - NOP - MTC-ABAG - Plan Bay Area 2050 (posted 1/14/25)
011525 - Notice of Intent - Solano County Mosquito Abatement District - Public Health Pesticides (posted 1/15/25)
012125 - Notice of Intent - Department of Transportation - Adopt a Negative Declaration for Sac 12 Terminous Safety Project (posted 1/21/25)
012725 - Notice of Availability - BIA - Finding of No Significant Impact and Final Environmental Assessment (posted 1/27/25)
012925 - Notice of Intent - Solano County Resource Management - Cache Slough Mitigation Bank Project (posted 1/29/25)
013025 - Notice of Completion - Fairfield Suisun Sewer District - 2024 Treatment Plant Pavement Rehab Project (posted 1/30/25)

020325 - Notice of Meeting - City of Vacaville - Brown Street Park (posted 2/3/25)
022125 - Notice of Intent - Solano RCD - Post-Fire Riparian Forest Restoration and Arundo and Tamarisk Eradication (posted 2/21/25)