Business Licenses

The Department of Resource Management (707-784-6765) issues business licenses for businesses located in the unincorporated area of Solano County.
If your business is located within the incorporated areas (city limits) of Solano County, please use the following contacts (click on the city name to go to their website):
City of Benicia -  (707) 266-7059 

City of Dixon - (707) 678-7000

City of Fairfield - (707) 428-7509

City of Rio Vista - (707) 374-2205

City of Suisun City - (707) 421-7320 

City of Vacaville - (707) 449-5185 

City of Vallejo - (707) 302-6074

Unincorporated area of Solano County

Before a business license application can be accepted the applicant must check the zoning of the business site to see if it allows for the proposed use and business activities. You can call the Planning Services Division at (707) 784-6765 and speak with the Planner on Duty. The Zoning Clearance Application form can be found
here. Once zoning and planning approval is secured, you may apply for your New Business License by contacting the Business License Coordinator at (707) 784-6765.

To check the zoning on a parcel, visit our GIS page here. You will need to make sure the Zoning layer is turned on.  To do so, click the 'I want to...' button, then click on 'Change visible map layers' and then check the Zoning box.  After that, search for an address or APN in the upper right-hand corner of the page.  If located in unincorporated Solano County, the zoning information will be listed. If the detail box says 'GP Land Use Code: Incorporated Area, then that site is located within city limits and you will need to contact your city for business licensing.

The Zoning Ordinance allows some small businesses to operate out of single family residences, provided several conditions can be satisfied relating to client visits, on-site sales, signage, and storage. In this case you will need to fill out a Home Occupation Questionnaire as part of the business license application process which will be reviewed by Planning staff to determine compliance with zoning requirements.