Putah Creek Bridge Rehabilitation at Stevenson Bridge Road

The Counties of Solano and Yolo are currently working to rehabilitate Stevenson Bridge, a 298-foot multi-span rainbow bridge that spans over Putah Creek between the two counties. Stevenson Bridge is over 100 years old and has been designated a historical landmark. According to CalTrans, “the bridge is a rare example of a reinforced concrete through tied arch in California and is the oldest bridge of this type in California and possibly the United States.” Often referred to as “Graffiti Bridge,” it is also the only bridge of its type that will remain from its era. The rehabilitation for this landmark includes scour protection, seismic retrofitting, and roadway realignment. The project is projected to begin construction in Summer of 2026 or 2027.

Stevenson Bridge with vegetation

Photos from visitors on Google

Project Report 2018 

Categorical Exemption

Natural Environment Study 2012

Historic Property Survey Report 2012

Finding of Effect (NOE)

Master Thesis By Caleb Stewart 2013

Caltrans Bridge Inspection Report 2021

Complete Streets Policy