Black/African American Community Resources

African American Faith Based Initiative - Mental Health Friendly Communities (MHFC)
SCBH currently utilizes MHSA prevention and early intervention (PEI) funds to support the MHFC initiative, which is focused on outreach to faith centers across Solano County with the goal of training faith leaders in order to raise awareness about mental health, combat stigma, and increase early access to mental health services for the Black/African American community. The following faith centers have been deemed MHFC:

In addition to supporting local faith centers, the three MHFC consultants also provide in-services and trainings for providers, agencies, and the community in best practices for working with the Black/African American consumers.

To learn more about this initiative, please reach out to the MHFC lead, Gigi Crowder, at

Health and Social Services (H&SS) African American Resource Guide
The H&SS Community Action for Racial Equity (CARE) Team facilitates quarterly equity caucuses with H&SS staff members to address disparities issues for the Latino, Asian American, and Black/African American communities. The Black/African American caucus members developed the Solano African American Community Resource Guide 2019, which can be found here.

SCBH Access Line
To request mental health or substance use disorder services, please call (800) 547-0495 and a mental health clinician will conduct a screening and assist you in getting linked to appropriate services.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
24/7 suicide prevention hotline staffed by crisis specialists (800) 273-TALK (8255).

Crisis Text Line
24/7 Suicide prevention texting crisis service staffed by crisis specialists. Text "HOME" to 741741.

American Psychiatric Association
In order to learn more about disparities experienced by the Black/African American community, please visit