About Behavioral Health

Mental Health and Substance Use conditions affect 1 in 5 people regardless of age, gender identity or ethnic background. These conditions are not the result of personal weakness, lack of character or poor upbringing. Behavioral Health challenges are treatable and recovery is possible. Solano County Behavioral Health assists over 7,000 children, youth and adults each year who are experiencing a psychiatric crisis, substance use or misuse, or who have significant mental and emotional disabilities. Services include: crisis supports, integrated care clinics that offer brief therapy, case management, psychiatric assessments and medication, outpatient treatment; Full Service Partnerships, foster care supports, Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams, IPS supported employment, peer support, and a range of community support services, including various contracted community based organizations and wellness centers.

To serve our diverse community impacted by mental health and substance use challenges in holistic ways that reinforces hope, wellness, and empowerment to live a fulfilling life.

To provide quality, innovative, culturally responsive care that supports and honors each persons’ authentic self and unique journey to recovery.


  • Hope
  • Resilience & Recovery
  • Voice & Choice
  • Community Inclusion
  • Diversity, Equity, Justice

Our Division is led by the following administrative team:

  • BH Director - Jennifer Mullane, LPCC, M-RAS
  • BH Assistant Director - Vacant
  • Children’s Services Administrator- Leticia De La Cruz Salas, LCSW
  • Adult Services Administrator - Christina Stimmann, LSCW
  • BH Medical Director - Brent C. Pottenger, MD, MHA

Our Managers oversee various programs and initiatives:

  • Amanda Davis, PsyD - Adult Outpatient
  • Anushua Mall, LCSW - Crisis and Subacute Services
  • Christina Urrea, PsyD - Performance Improvement
  • Eugene Durrah, LCSW - Equity Services and MHSA
  • Katherine Kellum, LCSW - Children’s FSP and Foster Care Treatment
  • Michael Kitzes, LMFT - Children's Outpatient
  • Miranda Ramirez, LCSW - Community Integration: Housing & Homeless
  • Rob George, LCSW - Quality Assurance
  • Senaida Rangel, LCSW - Adult Specialty Services

Annual Report

Read about our work in the past year to carry out our mission and make a difference in the lives of our community members.
2022 Annual Report (Downloadable PDF)

Inclusion Statement
SCBH is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Our services aim to empower all community members throughout their journey towards wellness and recovery. It is also of equal importance for us to improve access to quality care for underserved and under-represented ethnic and minority populations who have been historically marginalized by health care systems. We value the importance of employing staff who possess valuable life experiences and expertise to ensure our workforce is culturally and linguistically responsive and leverages diversity to foster innovation and positive outcomes for the people we serve.

Land Acknowledgement
We acknowledge the land on which we are gathered. For thousands of years, this land has been the home of the Native American tribes of the Suisune, the Patwin of the Wintun tribes, Miwuk, Karkin Ohlone, Yoche Dehe, and the countless other California tribes that are the original stewards of this land. We honor Solano County’s ancestral grounds. We recognize the history of genocide and continued inequities experienced by the Native American People in Solano County. The forced cessation of Native Americans on this land is an open wound. We would like to acknowledge the displacement and lost lives due to colonization and ongoing disparities. We honor those who have passed and those who continue to maintain the traditions of this vibrant culture that benefit us today.

Pronunciation Guide:
• Suisune - Sis-SOON-ee
• Patwin - PUT-win
• Wintun - Win-TUN
• Miwuk - ME-wuk
• Karkin Ohlone - Kar-KEEN Oh-lone-EE
• Yoche Dehe - Yo-CHA De-HEE

Media Relations & Brand Kit
Introducing our new toolkit, carefully crafted to bring our Solano County Behavioral Health brand to life and create a consistent and professional image across all platforms. This kit includes logos, branding guidelines, and style guidelines to ensure that our brand is easily recognizable in our community and memorable. The logos are designed to be versatile and can be used in various sizes and formats without compromising their quality or impact. The branding & style guidelines provide instructions on how to use the logos, typography, colors, and imagery to maintain a cohesive and recognizable identity. With our brand kit, you can confidently present your partnership with Solano County Behavioral Health to our communities.

Click Here to Download the Brand Kit