For inmates housed at the Claybank Detention Facility the mailing address is: Inmate Name - Inmate Number Claybank Detention Facility - 1128 PO Box 96777 Las Vegas, NV 89193 For inmates housed at the Justice Center Detention Facility the mailing address is: Inmate Name - Inmate Number Justice Center Detention Facility - 1127 PO Box 96777 Las Vegas, NV 89193 For inmates housed at the Stanton Correctional Facility the mailing address is: Inmate Name - Inmate Number Stanton Correctional Facility - 1129 PO Box 96777 Las Vegas, NV 89193  Only the following Items May be Mailed Directly to the Jail Facility - Legal Mail
- Money Orders / Cashier's Checks
- Printed materials sent directly from publisher or vendor:
- Magazines
- Newspapers
- Periodicals
- Soft-Covered Books
Claybank Detention Facility Inmate Name – Inmate Number 2500 Claybank Road Fairfield, CA 94533 Justice Center Detention Facility Inmate Name – Inmate Number 500 Union Avenue Fairfield, CA 94533 Stanton Correctional Facility Inmate Name – Inmate Number 2450 Claybank Road Fairfield, CA 94533 Inmates shall not send or receive mail from an inmate confined in any other Solano County Sheriff's Detention Facility without the prior written consent of both Custody Facility Commanders. Each letter sent MUST have the return address of the sender on the outside of the envelope. The return address should be printed or stamped onto the envelope, as address stickers are not allowed. Outgoing letters shall not be sealed by inmates until after it is inspected for contraband by custodial personnel. Packages sent or received through the mail are prohibited except the following: - Legal materials; textbooks; periodicals; magazines (that are approved as mail matter by the Postmaster General provided these items are sent directly from the publisher or vendor). Inmates may only have a maximum of 5 soft bound books at any time. Items not approved for distribution from publishers or vendors unable to accept returns will be discarded.
- All incoming mail shall be opened and inspected for contraband. Opening and inspection of the legal mail will be conducted in the presence of the inmate.
- Mail will be distributed each day, except weekends and holidays. Mail will be delivered only to the inmate addressee.
*Notice of Rejection: Incoming Publication/Mail/Item* Publications, Mail, Items may be returned to you for the following reasons: - Photographs depicting gangs, weapons, unlawful activity, sexually explicit material (nude or partially nude).
- Photocopies. (Limit 15)
- Negatives, Polaroids, sticker photos, frames or albums. Photograph size limit is 4”x6” (Limit 15 photographs)
- Books, soft cover only, must be sent directly from the publisher/vendor. (Limit 5)
- Letters may only be written on white paper (plain or lined).
- No stationary.
- Newspapers and magazines must be purchased by subscription in the inmate’s name and must be sent directly from the publisher/vendor. (Limit 5)
- No pens/pencils, envelopes (metered, plain or stamped), postage stamps or stationary.
- Item contains hair, maps, jewelry, posters, lottery tickets, candy, trading cards, magnets, condoms, ID card(s), stencils/tattoo patterns, date/address book.
- No cash or personal checks accepted. Money orders must be legible and filled out completely with the inmate's name and mailed directly to the facility they are housed at.
- Inmate to inmate mail not approved by Facility Commander. No third party mail.
- Item cannot be searched without being destroyed.
- Item contains metal, wood, plastic, cloth, cardboard, paint, crayon, perfume, lipstick, stickers, glitter, tape, glue, powder, liquid paper, stains, or unknown substances.
- Inappropriate drawings depicting gangs, weapons, nudity/partial nudity, sexually explicit and/or unlawful activity.
- Articles depicting gangs, weapons, sexually explicit material, unlawful activity, and/or information found to be in conflict with safety and security.
- Other reasons deemed inappropriate by the Facility Commander.
PIGEONLY MAIL - Claybank Detention Facility Click on the image below to enlarge  PIGEONLY MAIL - Stanton Correctional Facility Click on the image below to enlarge  PIGEONLY MAIL - Justice Center Detention Facility Click on the image below to enlarge  Pigeonly Customer Support Email: [email protected] Business Hours: 7 am – 4 pm PST Monday-Friday. Closed major holidays Frequently Asked Questions Why is this new mail delivery process needed? Postal mail remains an access point to introduce contraband and illicit drugs into correctional facilities, which poses a significant health and safety risk. This new process will increase safety while allowing incarcerated individuals to continue corresponding with loved ones in a timely manner. How does the new mail processing system work? • Mail is sent via PO Box to a central processing facility, operated by Pigeonly. • All non-legal postal mail is opened, screened for contraband, and scanned into an electronic document that closely resembles the original hardcopy, including color. • The scanned mail is shared electronically with the facility through a secure dashboard for further screening and review. • The scanned mail is printed at Pigeonly’s processing facility and shipped to the facility for distribution to the incarcerated recipients, eliminating the risk of contraband. • For families and friends of inmates, Pigeonly provides an easy-to-use website ( that allows them to create, send, and track delivery of printed photos, letters, greeting cards, and postcards from a cell phone, tablet, or computer. How is legal mail handled? Attorneys will continue to send legal mail directly to the facility for delivery to their incarcerated clients. Solano County – Detention Facilities continues to accept packages directly through postal mail (soft covered books, periodicals, newspapers, magazines, etc.). How long does it take for an incarcerated individual to receive mail? Within 24 hours of receipt, Pigeonly will open and scan incoming mail, share the electronic scan with the facility for further screening, then print and prepare the mail for shipment. Printed mail is delivered to the facility via Priority Mail and will be received within 1-3 days of shipment. How long is mail held at Pigeonly’s processing facility? Original copies of postal mail are held for 45 days. After this period, it is destroyed. I sent mail to an inmate and it was returned as undeliverable. Why? It may have been returned because it violates Solano County Sheriff's Office mail policy. All received mail will be inspected for prohibited materials. Mail that contains the following will be flagged and is subject to being marked as undeliverable: nudity, explicit sexual material, obscene material, violent language, promotion of violence, and contraband such as but not limited to weapons, drugs, or items of an unknown substance or odor. I'm a formerly incarcerated individual and want access to all my scanned mail pieces. Can I get a copy of them? After release, formerly incarcerated individuals can email [email protected] with their name/ID number to download their scanned mail items for free. Pigeonly Customer Support Email: [email protected] Business Hours: 7 am – 4 pm PST Monday-Friday. Closed major holidays |