| | | Request For Voter FileVoter registration in California is considered confidential. The California Code of Regulations (CCR) specifies unique situations where data can be released, however it comes with specific requirements and applicants must ensure that data will be used ONLY FOR ELECTION OR GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES, or research as defined by Title 2, Division 7, Article 1, Section 19003 of the California Code of Regulations, and Elections Code Section 2194 and Governmental Code Section 6254.4.
Additionally, when requesting data, you will be required to agree NOT to sell, lease, loan or deliver possession of the registration information, or a copy thereof, or any portion thereof, in any form or format, to any person, organization or agency without first submitting a new application and receiving written authorization from the Solano County Registrar of Voters to release such registration information.
All applications must be delivered with specified attachments and have a wet-signature on the form (digital signatures are not allowed). The Registrar of Voters cannot receive the data by e-mail or fax. All applications will be reviewed for completeness and will notify the applicant if the form is rejected.
Electronic Files: Voter records can grow quite large. We currently have over 265,000 registered voters in over 800 precincts with history for 50 elections. Dealing with large files is solely the responsibility of the end user. We are happy to discuss your needs and intended uses of our data, but we do not provide application, programming, or computer assistance. We provide voter registration data on a variety of electronic media, mostly by our secured download site. We can provide the information on a flash drive but due to security concerns, we do not use requester-supplied media such as USB flash drives. Our data is comma or tab-delimited format but an excel file can be provided for an extra processing fee. All delimited files have a leading or header record with field names. Keep in mind that file sizes can be very large. Application to purchase Multipurpose Voter File Hardcopy Lists: If desired, we can print a hard copy of the voter list for you. In addition to the above choices, you can specify a variety of data sort orders: These lists can grow to hundreds of pages depending on information requested and districts requested. We require that the setup fee be paid on request of the list. Page charges must be paid prior to receiving the list. Application to purchase Multipurpose Voter File 
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