Poll Worker Stipends

All pollworkers are volunteers that are paid a stipend for performing certain duties.  Stipend amounts are as follows:




Roving Inspector
(Provides Hands-on support and elections expertise to multiple precincts)

$150 – plus mileage to and from polling places.
(for each election day worked)

Poll Place Inspector
(Responsible for individual precinct, picking up supplies, returning supplies on election night, balancing precinct after voting).

(for each election day worked)

Poll Place Clerk
(includes e-roster clerk, ballot clerk, equipment clerk, provisional clerk, greeters and students)

(for each election day worked)

Stand-By Assignments

$15 plus training

Partial Day Assignments and Non-Election Day Pollworkers
(ballot reconciliation, damaged ballot duplication, curbside drop-off, vbm pickup/drop-off, other vbm prep., split shift poll assignments)

$10 per hour of assignment

On-Line Training
(with score of 80% or higher)

$25 per class passed

In-Person Training Class - all positions

$20 per class

Election Night Return of Supplies

$10 per person per event


Non-Exempt County employees who work at the polls in the capacities described above may be working for a different department than where they are regularly assigned, but will be performing services for Solano County.  These employees will receive their regular days’ pay plus the poll worker stipend less applicable payroll withholdings.  For employees in positions that are covered by time and one-half overtime requirements, time worked at the polls during their regular County work hours will count as regular time worked and must be included in the overtime calculation when time worked exceeds forty hours during the work week.