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In November 2004 California voters passed Proposition 63, known as the Mental Health Services Act or MHSA, which is funded by a 1% tax on Californians with personal incomes over $1 million. Written in partnership with individuals and family members of individuals whose lives are affected by mental illness, and community leaders, the MHSA calls for each county to create a state-of-the-art, culturally competent continuum of care that promotes wellness and recovery for all age groups from birth to the end of life. MHSA continues to support counties in providing key services and programming to enhance the county mental health system of care.
To see our most recent three-year plan or annual update, please click here.
MHSA has five components: - Community Services & Supports (CSS) programs are intended to expand and transform services for children, youth, adults and older adults living with serious mental illness, and to emphasize culturally competent and recovery-oriented services. Additionally, CSS funding is used for targeted system development and outreach to unserved/underserved communities. CSS focuses on consumer- and family-driven services, community collaboration, and integration of services.
- Prevention & Early Intervention (PEI) programs are intended to reduce stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness, and provides preventative and early intervention services to avert mental health crises and the development of more severe and disabling mental illnesses. Suicide Prevention activities are also funded by PEI.
- Capital Facilities & Information Technology (Cap/IT) funds the development of or improvement to buildings where MHSA services are provided, as well as enhancement of the technological infrastructure across all County mental health programs. This includes implementation of an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system.
- Workforce Education & Training (WET) addresses improvements to develop and grow a diverse, linguistically and culturally competent mental health workforce. This includes training existing providers, efforts to increase the diversity of individuals entering the mental health field, and promoting training and employment of mental health consumers and their family members.
- Innovation (INN) funds are used to increase access to mental healthcare by funding new and innovative mental health practices and approaches that are expected to; contribute to increasing access to unserved and underserved groups, improve the quality of service, demonstrate better outcomes, and to promote inter-agency collaboration. These funds provide the unique opportunity to try new practices that are tailored to Solano County's diverse populations.
MHSA Vision & Core Values - Community collaboration and stakeholder involvement, including consumers and family members, to develop a shared vision for mental health services.
- Providing services that are culturally and linguistically competent to effectively engage and provide services to unserved and underserved communities.
- Consumer- and family-driven programs that empower individuals in their recovery.
- A philosophy of wellness focus that includes concepts of resiliency and recovery.
- Provision of integrated services, when appropriate, to allow individuals to obtain mental health services in locations where they obtain other necessary services such as primary care, substance abuse service, etc...
- Outcome-based programming to demonstrate the effectiveness of service delivery.
How to Get Involved - MHSA is a community-driven system and the public is strongly encouraged to provide input and feedback.
- The MHSA Stakeholder Planning Process creates an opportunity for advocates and for individuals whose lives are affected by serious mental illness to provide input into the development of the MHSA service delivery system.
- MHSA Steering Committees are composed of consumers, family members, and representatives of underserved populations. They provide input to County MHSA administration and are partners in the creation of MHSA Plans and Updates.
- MHSA Planning Meetings take place as needed to gather input for MHSA plans and annual updates.
- All MHSA plans and updates have a 30-day public comment period. All stakeholders, community members, mental health consumers, and family members are strongly encouraged to provide feedback. Comments can be made my email, mail, or over the phone.
Solano County does not discriminate against people with disabilities. If you need a disability-related modification to participate in a meeting, please call 707-784-8320.
For more information about MHSA, please contact the MHSA Unit: Phone: 707-784-8320 Email: [email protected]
Issue Resolution Process Solano County Behavioral Health welcomes feedback regarding any concerns or suggestions you may have about how Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) funding is used in Solano County. An MHSA Issue Resolution Process is in place and is intended to address grievances and appeals regarding the following - The MHSA Community Program Planning (CPP) process;
- Access or quality of MHSA-funded programs and services;
- The local use of MHSA funding; and
- Inconsistencies between the approved MHSA Three-Year Plans, Annual/Plan Updates and program implementation.
To view the Solano County MHSA Issue Resolution Process & Policy Procedure, please click here. To report an issue, please fill out the Solano County MHSA Issue-Suggestion Form, which can be accessed by clicking here.
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