Organics Waste Reduction Program

What is SB 1383?
In September 2016, Senate Bill 1383 was signed into law, establishing methane emissions reduction targets in a statewide effort to reduce short-lived climate pollutants in various sectors of California's economy. This law establishes targets to achieve a 75 percent reduction in the statewide disposal of organic waste from the 2014 level by 2025. The law grants CalRecycle the regulatory authority required to achieve the organic waste disposal reduction targets. To reduce unnecessary food waste and help address food insecurity, SB 1383 requires that by 2025, the state of California will recover and redistribute 20 percent of edible food that would have otherwise be sent to landfills.

In 2021, Solano County established the Organics Waste Reduction Program through Ordinance No. 2021-1825

As of January 2022, Tier 1 Food Generators are required to recover the maximum amount of edible food and maintain recovery records. As of January 2024, Tier 2 Food Generators will be required to do the same.

Edible Food Recovery
Food Generators are businesses and agencies meeting the following criteria:

Commercial Edible Food Generators Tier 1 and Tier 2

Food generators must establish written contracts with all Food Recovery Organizations and Services utilized. The contracts will describe how often food is delivered or picked up by the Organization or Service, the type of food collected and many other aspects that are specific for each organization and service. Food Generators must keep accurate records of the amount of food in pounds that is recovered and information about each Food Recovery Organization or Service such as address, contact person, and contact information. Once identified as a Food Generator, businesses must recover the most edible food possible that would be otherwise sent to a landfill. Generators shall not purposely spoil food to avoid food recovery requirements. 

Edible Food Recovery Resources

       Reducing Food                     Reducing Food             SB1383 Edible Food               SB1383 Edible Food
      Waste (English)                    Waste (Spanish)           Recovery (English)                 Recovery (Spanish)

    MealConnect flyer               MealConnect flyer           Tier 1 Donation Guide         Tier 1 Donation Guide
          (English)                           (Spanish)                         (English)                             (Spanish)

   Tier 2 Donation Guide              Large Event                Edible Food Recovery 
           (English)                      Donation Guide              Produce Worksheet

RecordKeeping Documents

Generator Donation Log - PDF (English)
Generator Donation Log - Excel (English)

Generator Donation Log - PDF (Spanish)
Generator Donation Log - Excel (Spanish)

Food Recovery Agency Donation Log - PDF (English)
Food Recovery Agency Donation Log - Excel (English)

Food Recovery Agency Donation Log - PDF (Spanish)
Food Recovery Agency Donation Log - Excel (Spanish)

Donation Agreement Template (English)
Donation Agreement Template (Spanish)

Find a Match
Solano County maintains a list of edible food recovery organizations and services serving the Solano County area. Edible food generators and community donors can use this list to find a good match for their edible food. Many food recovery organizations rely on transportation services like MealConnect, a free app designed to connect food donors with appropriate food receivers. To start the donation process, visit

The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano is a great place to start recovering edible food! Many smaller agencies rely on contributions made through the Food Bank's processing center. Donations using the Food Bank and MealConnect will have a positive impact on your local community.

Sign up to donate at:

Meal Connect logo

The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano:

Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano
855-309-FOOD (3663)
[email protected]
2370 N. Watney Way, Fairfield

Thank you to local partners in food recovery!
Food is Free Solano - Fairfield, Vallejo
Faith Food Fridays - Vallejo
Rio Vista Food Pantry - Rio Vista
Saint Mary's Food Locker - Vacaville
Seventh Day Adventist Church - Vallejo

Recovery Organizations and Services partnering with Tier 1 and 2 Generators must keep accurate records of all edible food that is received and picked up from Generators. These records must include the name and address of the Generator and the total weight in pounds fo food that is accepted. records must also include the contact person and contact information for each food facility. Food Recovery Services that transport food must also record the location of where food was received and delivered.

Organics Waste Recycling
Residents who have a green waste bin will see no changes as a result of Senate Bill 1383. If you're one of the few households that does not subscribe to curbside garbage and recycling services, please call Solano County Department of Resource Management at 707-784-6765. Most businesses are already SB 1383 compliant and need to keep up their great work. For businesses that are not yet compliant, they will need to implement a green waste program.

For commercial business waivers, please submit a completed request form to:
[email protected]. Please be aware that additional documents verifying waste collection services and a site visit will be required prior to approval.

Commercial Organic Waste Waiver (English)
Commercial Organic Waste Waiver (Spanish)

Solano County and its cities anticipate questions related to Senate Bill 1383's requirement for residential and commercial organic waste collection. Please refer to the table below to help you reach the appropriate agency and hauler.



 Jurisdiction's Hauler Contact


Sharon Denney
Management Analyst
Department of Public Works
(707) 746-4215
[email protected]

Marie Knutson
Recycling Coordinator
(925) 671-5814
[email protected]


 Linda Babb
Administrative Clerk
Department of Public Works 
(707) 675-7051 x-4100
[email protected]

Quincy Wagner
Waste Zero Specialist
(707) 678-4026
[email protected]


Corey Beavers
Management Analyst
Department of Public Works
(707) 428-7528
[email protected] 

 Sandra Gonzalez
Municipal Supervisor
(707) 437-8947
[email protected]


Robin Borre
Department of Public Works
(707) 374-6451 x-1116
[email protected]

 Sarah Davis
Community Relations
(925) 692-2259
[email protected]

Amanda Dum
Management Analyst
Department of Building & Public Works
(707) 421-7345
[email protected]

 Sandra Gonzalez
Municipal Supervisor
(707) 437-8947
[email protected]


 Matthew Santos
Management Analyst
Department of Public Works
(707) 469-6507
[email protected]


Isabell Angel
Waste Zero Specialist
(707) 675-4026
[email protected]


 Derek Crutchfield
Environmental Services Manager (Acting)
Department of Public Works
(707) 648-5346
[email protected]

Ana Wong
Waste Zero Specialist
(707) 552-3110
[email protected]

JT Lee
Assistant Planner
Department of Resource Management
(707) 784-3231
[email protected]

Unincorporated areas of Solano County are served by four different businesses providing solid waste, recycling, and organic waste services.

 Sarah Davis
Community Relations
(925) 692-2259
[email protected]

 Sandra Gonzalez
Municipal Supervisor
(707) 437-8947
[email protected]

Quincy Wagner
Waste Zero Specialist
(707) 678-4026
[email protected]

Lizzie Talbot
Waste Zero Specialist
(707) 678-4026
[email protected]