First 5 Solano Annual Grants RFA 2024-01 [CLOSED]

The First 5 Solano Children and Families Commission (First 5 Solano) is pleased to announce the Intent to Award funding in response to the Annual Grants RFA 2024-01.

Intent to Award

The Annual Grants Fund is designed for one-time projects to address the needs of children ages 0-5, their parents/caregivers, and/or providers of services to children ages 0-5 in Solano County. The Commission has committed up to $120,000 in annual grants for FY2024/25. Multiple grants of up to $20,000 each will be awarded for up to a 1-year period from July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025. Applications will be accepted for a wide-variety of activities that align with the First 5 Solano Strategic Plan Framework and address a gap in services, address a community disparity, and/or address a time sensitive community need. A mandatory letter of intent is due by February 12, 2024 and applicants must also attend a mandatory grant development session. The complete application is due by March 11, 2024 5:00 pm.

2024-01 Annual Grants Request for Applications (CLOSED) 2024-01 Annual Grants RFA Attachment A-Application 
2024-01 Annual Grants RFA Attachment B-Sample Contract  2024-01 Annual Grants Intent to Award

First 5 Solano Community Responsive Mini Grants [CLOSED]

First Application Period was AVAILABLE April 8, 2024-April 29, 2024 for activities occurring July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025.

First 5 Solano has now created a more flexible way to fund your event(s) or activity(ies). Grants will provide $500-$5,000 based on your needs and proposed ideas. First 5 Solano Mini Grants can fund things such as:

  • Community Engagement Events: For one-time events or activities, Community Responsive Mini Grants can provide up to $500 per event to connect with parents, caregivers and/or providers to increase awareness about a topic or resource available in the community. Examples: Community baby shower or early literacy lap read.

  • Professional Development Opportunity: For Professional Development Opportunities, such as hosting or attending conferences or training, Community Responsive Mini Grants can provide up to $3,000 per event, to strengthen the skills of Solano County providers for children ages 0-5. Professional Development Opportunities may be one-time (such as a one-day training) or over a time-period (such as a weekly training over 6 weeks). Examples: Lactation Education Certification training or Trauma Informed Care conference.
  • Material and Equipment Purchase: Community Responsive Mini Grants can be used to support the purchase of equipment or materials up to $5,000 to provide assistance for specific activities or services to children ages 0-5 and their families. Materials or equipment may be used for purposes including, but not limited to education, keeping children and families safe, make space appropriate for young children, etc. Examples: Purchase of new curriculum or purchase of furniture to create age-appropriate space in an office. (Please note: First 5 Solano follows best practices on limiting on the use of digital devices for young children and will not approve requests for screen-based learning, including tablets or computers.)
  • Time-Limited Program: Community Responsive Mini Grants can be used to support Time-Limited Programs for up to $5,000. Time-Limited Programs must be time-limited in nature and need to establish how many children, families or providers will be served, and what the intended outcome will be. Examples: A 6-week art class for children and grandparents focusing on Latino culture or a 10-week parent leadership training.
    Mini Grant Application (CLOSED)  Community Responsive Mini Grants Activity Report
    Community Responsive Mini Grants Q&As  Scoring Rubric
    Application Preview (Reference Only)  Intent to Award Letter