| | | PartnershipThe visioning process for the future of the Fairgrounds property is a partnership of the County of Solano, the City of Vallejo, the Solano County Fair Association and the community-at-large. The Solano 360 team includes:

 | MRG has been retained as the project manager for the Solano360 Vision, to guide the development of a Specific Plan, undertake environmental review and pursue entitlements for the project. MRG consultants provide assistance to cities, counties and special districts in all phases of local government services. MRG is assisted by A. Plescia & Co., specializing in redevelopment, planning and economic development services; and the RCH Group, a real estate consulting firm providing land use, design, resource management and entitlement services. A. Plescia & Co. and the RCH Group have broad experience in the planning and redevelopment of fairground properties. | | |  | The award-winning land planning firm of SWA Group has been selected to initiate the public outreach process, present design alternatives and incorporate public feedback into the conceptual land plans. With offices in the Bay Area, SWA Group has been widely recognized as a world design leader in landscape architecture, planning and urban design. | | |  | The work to be undertaken by MBA is two fold in nature. First, MBA will coordinate with SWA, the land planning consultant, and a multi-disciplined project team in the preparation of a specific plan, which will be based on the results of the visioning process and the various environmental and infrastructure studies that are prepared to guide the plan. Specifically, MBA’s role is to identify potential environmental constraints as the specific plan is being prepared and to ultimately prepare an EIR for the specific plan. MBA will identify and communicate potential environmental issues to SWA so that the specific plan can be developed in a manner that avoids environmental impacts to the maximum extent practicable and achieves a high degree of self-mitigation. That is, the Specific Plan may incorporate, as design features, what would otherwise become mitigation measures in the EIR. Second, which is a key role, MBA will prepare and EIR to mirror two levels of specificity in the specific plan, and will thus be a combined Project/Program EIR. Certain areas of the project - including the Fair of the Future area, entertainment/retail area, mixed-use area, creek restoration, transit facilities, streets and parking, and all required infrastructure - will be planned and analyzed with a high degree of specificity, that is, at a Project level, while the remainder of the plan will be analyzed at a more generalized, Program level. |
Other Community Partners Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Solano Economic Development Corporation Vallejo Chamber of Commerce |
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