Solano County Holistic One Water Management Framework
The sustainable management of water resources is becoming ever more critical and challenging due to the onset of climate change. Most recently the County has experienced extended droughts, lower groundwater levels, and massive wildfires followed by floods. To meet these challenges and build regional water management resiliency, proactive coordination and collaboration is needed across multiple water sectors. To initiate this work, Solano County is developing an integrated water management framework utilizing a holistic approach that All Water is One Water in order to advance practical and nature-based solutions to water management challenges facing the County.
What is the One Water Framework?
One Water is a holistic approach to water management which emphasizes that all water has value, and the benefit of every drop should be maximized within an integrated water system. The One Water approach promotes cooperation and partnerships across multiple agencies and water-management sectors advocating integrated solutions across systems; including water supply, wastewater, storm and flood protection, water quality improvements, and ecosystem enhancements. The Solano County One Water Framework (Framework) is being developed to proactively plan for the County’s changing landscape. One Water utilizes the entire water cycle for cross-cutting solutions to address current and future challenges.
The Framework proposes to collectively identify water resource-related challenges and opportunities and develop common vision, goals, principles, and strategies to guide policy making, planning, and water resources management throughout the County. The Framework will also establish a One Water process toward regional solutions and multi-benefit projects and provide the foundation for a future Solano County Water Utilities Master Plan (One Water Master Plan) to support the implementation of the County’s General Plan.
The development of the On Water Framework is funded by the County’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program.
Who is preparing the One Water Framework?
Solano County Department of Resource Management is spearheading this Framework development effort through a stakeholder-driven process. Development of the Framework relies on engagement and partnerships with stakeholders across various water sectors for success. A multi-sector Steering Committee and stakeholder input will ensure Solano County considers issues, challenges, and suggestions from interested parties as part of the development and implementation of the One Water Master Plan.

The Steering Committee is composed of the water suppliers, irrigation districts, flood control and drainage agencies, resource management and land use agencies, and representatives of the agricultural community who provide advisory input to the Framework.
Steering Committee Meetings
June 10, 2024
April 30, 2024
December 4, 2023
September 18, 2023
July 26, 2023
June 28, 2023
May 24, 2023
March 22, 2023
Public Meeting (TBD)
Newsletter Update
2023 Newsletter
Other One Water Planning Links
· US Water Alliance – One Water for America Policy Framework
· City of Denver
· Valley Water (Santa Clara Valley Water District)
· City of Los Angeles
· Integrated Planning
How can I participate in this process?
Public meetings, newsletters, and website postings will be periodically updated on the progress of the development of the One Water Framework.
For more information, please contact the Solano County Department of Resource Management
[email protected]