| | | About Us
Health Promotion and Community Wellness Bureau/VibeSolanoThe mission of the Solano County Health Promotion and Community Wellness Bureau (branded as VibeSolano) is to maximize individual and community wellness by promoting healthy behaviors and environments in our county. We believe that health education, health promotion, and primary prevention strategies, when planned and implemented with and by the community, are cost effective means of achieving community wellness. Community data guides our planning. We embrace the diversity in our communities and strive to eliminate inequities. The majority of our work is community-based within Solano County's diverse neighborhoods. For More information, visit: VibeSolano.com Experience & Knowledge of StaffCommunity assessment Healthy public policy development Systems changes and environmental changes to improve spaces and places and community & social norms Coalition building Program Planning Media campaigns Grant writing Built environment and livable communities principles and policies Training & education for health care professionals, individuals & community groups Community organizing & mobilization Classroom presentations One-to-one health interventions Outreach & education Health information & referrals Materials development Technical support Curricula development Program evaluation We offer the following programs: Bicycle Helmet and Pedestrian Safety Chronic Disease Prevention Partnering for Livable, Sustainable Communities - Vibe Solano Tobacco Prevention and Education Program - Vibe Solano Healthy Retail Improving Access to Health Foods and Beverages Improving Opportunities for Physical Activity Diabetes Prevention Quit Smoking Senior Falls Safe Routes to School (partner with Solano Transportation Authority) Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drug Prevention Solano Car Seat Connection Fentanyl and Opioid Overdose Prevention Oral Health Education We also maintain information on: Drowning Prevention Livable Communities Health Promotion and Community Wellness Bureau staff work at many levels within the community, often simultaneously. We embrace the Spectrum of Prevention as a great framework for guiding comprehensive thinking and building community prevention initiatives that address the multiple levels of work often needed to address complex challenges: Influencing Policy & Legislation Mobilizing Neighborhoods & Communities Changing Organizational Practices Fostering Coalitions & Networks Promoting Community Education Educating Providers Strengthening Individual Knowledge & Skill The Spectrum was originally developed by Larry Cohen based on the work of Marshall Swift. "These levels of prevention are complementary and when used together produce a synergy which results in greater effectiveness than would be possible by implementing any single activity or linear initiative." -The Prevention Institute Have a question? Contact us at: (707) 784-8682 |
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