Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC)
The JJCC is a regional advisory group whose purpose is to strengthen our community and support families by advising on juvenile justice issues.

What is the mission of the JJCC?
The mission of the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council is to develop a comprehensive, multiagency plan that identifies the resources and strategies for providing an effective continuum of responses for the prevention, intervention, supervision, treatment, and incarceration of male and female juvenile offenders, including strategies to develop and implement locally based or regionally based out-of-home placement options for youths who are persons described in Section 602.

Counties may utilize community punishment plans developed pursuant to grants awarded from funds included in the 1995 Budget Act to the extent the plans address juvenile crime and the juvenile justice system or local action plans previously developed for this program.

Who makes up the JJCC?
The coordinating council shall, at a minimum, include the chief probation officer, as chair, and one representative each from the district attorney’s office, the public defender’s office, the sheriff’s department, the board of supervisors, the department of social services, the department of mental health, a community-based drug and alcohol program, a city police department, the county office of education or a school district, and an at-large community representative.

In order to carry out its duties pursuant to this section, a coordinating council shall also include representatives from nonprofit community-based organizations providing services to minors.

SB823 (Juvenile Justice Realignment)
SB 823 Power Point
 SB 823 Community Forum Webinar
SB 823 Community Forum
What is SB823JJCC SubCommittee Agenda and Minutes - April 2021
JJCC-Subcommittee Agenda and Related Docs 1-19-2021
JJCC Sub-Committee Meeting - December 2020
SB823 Juvenile Justice Realignment Plan
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY2024/25
JJCC Agenda and Related Docs-Sept. 2024
JJCC Agenda and Related Docs -April 2024
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY22/23
JJCC Agenda and Related Docs-October 11 2023
JJCC Agenda and Related Docs-April 26 2023
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY21/22
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-Nov 2022
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-April 27, 2022
Juvenile Justice Coordinating council FY20/21
JJCC-Agenda and Related Documents-December 1, 2021
Link to April 29, 2021 Meeting https://youtu.be/EqZ3XDyPKE
*Amended* Agenda 4-29-2021
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents April 29 2021
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY 19/20
JJCC Agenda-November 2020
JCC Agenda and Related Docs-May 19 2020
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY 18/19
JJCC Agenda & Related Docs-Nov. 20, 2019
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-April 17, 2019
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY 17/18
JJCC Agenda and Minutes-November 14, 2018
JJCC Agenda and Related Docs-April 2018
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY 16/17
JJCC-Agenda and Related Documents-November 15, 2017
JJCC-Solano County Readiness Assessment Consultation
JJCC-Special Meeting Agenda-June 15, 2017
JJCC-Agenda and Related Documents-April 12, 2017
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-October 12,2016
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY 15/16
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-April 6, 2016
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-October 22, 2015
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY 14/15
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-October 16, 2014
JJCC-Agenda and Related Documents- April 16, 2015
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY 13/14
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-November 14,2013
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents March 27, 2014
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY 12/13
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-October 11, 2012
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-April 11, 2013
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council FY 11/12
JJCC Agenda - November 8, 2011
JJCC Agenda and Related Documents-May 3, 2012
Solano County Comprehensive Multiagency Juvenile Justice Action Plan
Juvenile Justice Action Plan-April 2022
2005 Juvenile Justice Action Plan
2008 Juvenile Justice Action plan
2011 Juvenile Justice Action Plan
2012 Juvenile Justice Action Plan
2014 Juvenile Justice Action Plan
2017 Juvenile Justice Action Plan