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California Forever withdraws proposed ballot measure, will not proceed with election in November

July 22, 2024

SOLANO COUNTY – In a letter released earlier today, Mitch Mashburn, District 5 Supervisor and Chair of the Board of Supervisors, stated that California Forever has agreed to withdraw the ballot measure for the East Solano Plan, and will not proceed to the election in November.  The decision came after a discussion took place between Chair Mashburn and Jan Sramek, Founder and CEO of California Forever, who said they will now apply for a General Plan and Zoning Amendment and proceed with the normal County process for the negotiation and execution of a development agreement. 

“After a discussion between myself and Jan Sramek, the Founder and CEO of California Forever, we have agreed that they will withdraw their measure and not proceed with the election in November. Instead, they will submit an application for a General Plan and Zoning Amendment and proceed with the normal County process which includes preparation of a full Environmental Impact Report and the negotiation and execution of Development Agreement. As part of the normal County process, California Forever will reimburse the County’s costs for this future work, including both staff time and external consultants. As a result, the action for the Board to place this measure on the ballot on tomorrow’s agenda is no longer needed. 

I think it signals Jan Sramek’s understanding that while the need for more affordable housing and good paying jobs has merit, the timing has been unrealistic. I want to acknowledge that many Solano residents are excited about Mr. Sramek’s optimism about a California that builds again. He is also right that we cannot solve our jobs, housing, and energy challenges if every project takes a decade or more to break ground. 

But announcing last year that California Forever would seek a vote on the November 2024 ballot, without a full Environmental Impact Report and a fully negotiated Development Agreement, was a mistake. This politicized the entire project, made it difficult for us and our staff to work with them, and forced everyone in our community to take sides. 

Delaying the vote gives everyone a chance to pause and work together, which is what is needed – not a fight between friends throughout the County on both sides of the issue. With the ballot measure off the table, it will be far easier for county staff to work with California Forever. It also creates an opportunity to take a fresh look at the plan and incorporate input from more stakeholders.  

We are who we are in Solano County because we do things differently here. We take our time to make informed decisions that are best for the current generation and future generations. We want to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to be heard and get all the information they need before voting on a General Plan change of this size. 

As we now have competing reports and studies to consider and reflect on, I’ll give Mr. Sramek and his team a challenge. Consider us the ‘show-me county.’ Use the Environmental Impact Report and Development Agreement process to prove to us how you’ll strengthen Travis AFB, how you’ll provide water, and how you will solve the transportation challenges. And show us the financial engineering that makes it possible to pay for billions of dollars of infrastructure, without increasing our taxes, and while delivering a net tax surplus to our county. 

I’d like to thank Mr. Sramek for recognizing the need of our community for more time and information. As Chair of the Board and the Supervisor who represents the area most impacted, I will seek to form a subcommittee of the Board for this proposal, and I look forward to working with him and his team collaboratively going forward.”  

The County Administrator, as part of the additions to / or deletions from the agenda near the beginning of the meeting, will recommend the Board consider removing the California Forever / East Solano Impact Report from the agenda and canceling the 2:00 p.m. calendar. The report was based on the initiative which will no longer be part of the November ballot; therefore, there will be nothing for the Board and the public to discuss.