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Solano County challenges youth to fight fentanyl with ‘One Pill Can Kill’ video contest

April 25, 2024

Solano County - Building on its campaign to inform the public about high overdose rates and the growing dangers of fentanyl cloaked as prescription drugs, Solano Public Health has launched its first "One Pill Can Kill" Video Contest. This initiative invites Solano County youth to create compelling videos that raise awareness of the risks of fentanyl-laced pills and promote healthier choices. Winning high school and college students can earn up to $1,500 for their efforts.


“This contest is a creative way for young people to have fun, spread the word—and maybe even save a life,” says Robin Cox, MPH, CPH, Solano County’s Health Promotion & Community Wellness (VibeSolano) Bureau Chief. “Knowing the source of any pill taken is critical to prevent an overdose. Teens may take street pills thinking they’re Oxycodone, Adderall or Xanax, risking potential death if they are counterfeits laced with fentanyl.”


Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid drug 100 times stronger than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin. One in four counterfeit pills contain fentanyl and nearly half of those contain a high enough dose to kill. More than 100,000 Americans died of an overdose in 2023. In Solano County, at least 100 Solano County residents died of an overdose in 2023, with about 70 of those being opioid overdoses.


“It’s sobering to know that it takes just 2 mg of fentanyl—equal to two to four grains of sand—to kill someone,” said David Gao Chan, MPH, who coordinates the county’s drug prevention efforts. “It’s important for parents and trusted adults to talk with youth about the risk of street pills and for kids to share what they know with their friends.”


Health officials hope that the videos will help spread three ways to prevent deaths from overdose:


·       Only take pills prescribed to you by your doctor or dentist and filled at a pharmacy.

·       Avoid street pills, even if named Oxy, Adderall or Xanax, or another name brand drug.

·       If you or someone you know shows signs of overdose, call 911 immediately and administer lifesaving Naloxone (Narcan®) as soon as possible.


“It comes down to this: If a pill isn’t prescribed to you, or your kids, it’s not safe,” says Gao Chan. “Fentanyl kills.”


Contest Overview:


·       Objective: Engage youth in spreading critical messages about fentanyl overdose prevention through creative and impactful videos.


·       Prizes: 1st Place: $1,500, 2nd Place: $1,000 and 3rd Place: $750, with additional awards and recognition for runners-up ($250) and other participants.


·       Eligibility: Open to high school and college-aged students, 13 to 25, residing in Solano County. Teams of 1-6 members, guided by an advisor or organized independently, are encouraged to participate. Local schools and nonprofits may sponsor advisors and teams.


·       Submission Deadline: Friday, May 24, 2024, by 11:59 p.m.


·       Entry Requirements: Videos must be 15-120 seconds long, posted on YouTube, TikTok and/or Instagram with the hashtag #OnePillCanKillSolano, and accompanied by a completed contest entry form available at


Learn more about the dangers of fentanyl and counterfeit prescription drugs, download educational tools or submit a contest entry at For anyone needing help with a current substance use issue, please contact your health care provider or Solano County Behavioral Health for treatment services at (855) 765-9703.


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VibeSolano is the branding for the Health Promotion & Community Wellness Bureau of the Solano County Public Health Division, Health and Social Services Department.