Solano County Search and Rescue Team
Solano County Search and Rescue Team (SAR) is comprised of a highly motivated team of volunteers dedicated to providing assistance to the citizens of Solano and other counties throughout California. We operate under the direction and control of The Solano County Sheriffs Office, and The County Office of Emergency Services. Our members are both volunteers and sworn reserves with expertise in varied disciplines to provide the Sheriff's office with support in search and rescue, disaster response, evidence searches, crowd management, law enforcement manpower support requirements, public relations events and other activities that supplement the resources of the department. Our Management Teams, Ground Search Teams, Dog Teams, Air Search Teams, Dive Teams, All Terrain Vehicle Teams, and Amateur Radio Teams are ready for public service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, (rain or shine).
The SAR Team when not training is working missions such as searching for missing people, evidence searching, disaster assistance (floods, earthquakes, fires, etc.), public education such as amateur radio (HAM) and adult youth programs like Hug-A-Tree and The Explorer Scouts. Some of our past missions have been The Miller Canyon Fire, Rio Vista Flood, Solano County Fair, 4th of July Fire Watch, Solano County SWAT Competition, and many more activities in and out of Solano County. We enjoy what do and we provide an essential Community Service. Our Boot Camp promises to be a challenge for anyone who wants to join our Team. It will train newcomers about things like becoming a Disaster Service Worker, using a Map and Compass, Clothing & Survival Techniques, Search and Rescue Techniques, Search and Rescue Equipment, Communications, Ropes and Knots, Man Tracking, Search Dog Basics, Basic Aircraft Operations, and more. The training is non-stop.
To become a part of The Solano County SAR Team you should be a resident of Solano County or be able to provide unique qualified resources (ie. canine, aircraft, or technical abilities). Be 18 years of age with a High School Diploma or 14 years old and in High School with at least a 2.0 GPA. You must pass a fingerprint and background check. This undertaking can be very rewarding, as well as demanding, but you will discover qualities within yourself you never dreamed you had. You'll make new friends who share your commitment to caring. The support you bring to this organization will reinforce the Search and Rescue motto, "So that others may live."
The Solano County Office of Emergency Services
530 Clay Street
Fairfield, CA 94533
(707) 784-1600
(707) 421-6383 FAX
[email protected]