| | | About Us In Solano County, there are approximately 47,447 homes built before 1978 with an estimated 3,008 homes having children under 5 years old. The purpose of the Lead Paint Abatement Program is to identify, remove, or reduce lead-based paint hazards in eligible homes built before 1978 throughout Solano County, primarily those with young children or pregnant women. The ultimate goal is to improve and increase the number of healthy, lead-free homes for families that live, learn, work, and play in Solano County.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is no safe level of lead in the body. Lead-based paint is the primary source of childhood lead poisoning in California. Children can be exposed to lead by ingesting deteriorating lead contaminated paint chips from old homes, lead contaminated dust, and lead contaminated soil. Lead exposure is especially dangerous for young children under the age of six years old because their rapidly growing and developing bodies absorb more lead. Small amounts of lead can harm a child’s brain, nerves, and kidneys, which may affect how a child learns, pays attention, and behaves. Lead poisoning can cause permanent learning and behavioral problems that make it difficult for children to learn in school. Similarly, pregnant women are at higher risk for lead poisoning, because they can pass lead to the unborn baby. The baby can be born too small or too early. If the pregnant woman’s lead level is too high, there is a higher risk of a miscarriage.
The good news is that lead poisoning is preventable. Lead hazards needs to be removed from a child’s environment. With the Lead Paint Abatement Program, Solano County hopes to begin the process of removing and reducing lead contamination in high-risk homes. Homeowners, property owners and tenants concerned about lead poisoning can complete an application for lead paint abatement here.
If eligible, the Lead Paint Abatement Program staff of licensed professionals will test your home. If lead is found, free services may include: cleaning, painting, or replacing lead-based paint; replacing lead-based windows, trims, and doors; other minor repairs. |
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