Why Is This Important?

Poor health outcomes are often strongly related to poverty, poor access to preventative health care , lifestyle choices, and education. Early and continued access to quality, affordable health care is crucial in guaranteeing Solano County’s residents health and prosperity. Preventative care such as timely childhood immunizations encourage long-term health, prolong and save lives, prevent significant disability, and lessen medical costs. Because of the costly nature of health care, people with health insurance are more inclined to seek routine medical care and to take advantage of preven tative health-screening ser vices.

How Are We Doing?
In general , Solano County has a higher percentage of residents with health insurance coverage than California. In 2007, nearly 64 percent of Solano County residents had employment-based health insurance – this is roughly 4 percent greater than the percent age of California residents receiving employment- based health insurance. This higher percentage of residents with employer-based health insurance is largely responsible for Solano having a smaller share of uninsured residents than California. The percent of uninsured residents for Solano County and California in 2007 was 10 percent and 15 percent, respectively.