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Vision: Healthy People - Healthy Community
Solano Public Health prevents the spread of diseases, promotes health and protects the public from health problems and hazards. Our staff provides services such as conducting public health nurse home visits for moms and babies, providing medical care in our clinics, investigating disease outbreaks, advancing local ordinances to protect residents’ health, and preparing for public health emergencies. Our passion is in promoting healthy, livable communities for Solano residents and community members.
Public Health Division Annual Report Fiscal Year 2023/24 Solano Public Health is proud to present its Fiscal Year 2023/24 Annual Report, highlighting key accomplishments from the past year. To view the report, click here.
If you have any questions or comments, contact [email protected].
Weekly Solano County Respiratory Virus Surveillance Report 2024 Solano Public Health will provide a weekly report of the case counts and rates for COVID-19, Influenza, and RSV for the current respiratory season. To view this report, visit our Health Reports & Data page.
H5N1 Update & Response The current risk to the public in California from the H5N1 bird flu outbreak in wild birds, poultry, mammals and livestock is considered low. The situation is ongoing and evolving.
For resources, visit the links below:
California Updates: CDPH Influenza (Flu) Avian Influenza Updates (CDFA)
U.S. Updates: H5N1 Bird Flu: Current Situation (CDC) Detections of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (USDA)
Withstanding Flu and COVID Health Order and Recommendation Issued October 16, 2023 Vaccination and Masking Recommendation for Hospital, Licensed Healthcare and Adult and Senior Care Facility Staff
Programs and Services
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Check out our social media pages for more information and updates! Facebook: @SolanoCountyPH Instagram: @SolanoPublicHealth Twitter: @SolanoCountyPH
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