| | | May – Summer Activities Summer break is right around the corner so it’s time to start planning activities! Keeping your kid occupied and engaged doesn’t have to be a challenge. Check your local parks and recreation department for free and fun activities throughout the summer. Some other ideas include - Attend story time at your local library or check for summer activities and reading programs.
- Go for an easy hike. Stop and look at interesting plants or rocks and make sure to bring water and sunscreen!
- Go to your local park and bring a picnic lunch.
- Visit a farmer’s market and let the kids pick out new fruits or vegetables.
- Check out a local museum. Libraries often have Discover and Go passes available for free or reduced price admissions.
Little brains will need time to relax and recharge between these fun activities. Make sure you schedule some rest into your summer schedule. Even though your kids are on break, it is important to have daily quiet time and consistent bedtimes. Solano County Libraries Farmers Markets 100 Summer Activities for Kids 
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