Return application to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors
By mail or delivery to: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 675 Texas Street, Suite 6500, Fairfeld, CA 94533
Or you may also submit your application by clicking on the submit button at the end of this application.
Copy address from residential into business
* Please provide a brief description of your employment & educational history:
(resume may be attached):
Max Characters: 2500
Attach Resume
Acceptable file extensions (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt)
Please list a minimum of 3 professional references:
* As a member of this board/council/committee/commission, what might you hope to achieve?
Max Characters: 2500
* As a member of this board/council/committee/commission, what do you think you might contribute to
help it fulfill its missions and goals?
Max Characters: 2500